Al evaluar las dos soluciones, los revisores encontraron que Rulai es más fácil de usar, configurar y administrar. Además, prefirieron hacer negocios en general con Rulai.
La simplicidad en el diseño del diálogo y lo fácil que es construir interfaces de usuario conversacionales (CUIs).
The developer training I took was okay overall but I found it hard to stay focused during the instructional videos . The assignments were fairly easy but they did get me acquainted with the software. That said, I think it's worth taking at least one of...
The dashboard is great, user friendly. we can keep monitoring the trends on a real-time basis!
Su comunicación es horrible, y continuamente mienten para mantenerte enganchado con falsas promesas.
La simplicidad en el diseño del diálogo y lo fácil que es construir interfaces de usuario conversacionales (CUIs).
The dashboard is great, user friendly. we can keep monitoring the trends on a real-time basis!
The developer training I took was okay overall but I found it hard to stay focused during the instructional videos . The assignments were fairly easy but they did get me acquainted with the software. That said, I think it's worth taking at least one of...
Su comunicación es horrible, y continuamente mienten para mantenerte enganchado con falsas promesas.