Al evaluar las dos soluciones, los revisores encontraron que eran igualmente fáciles de usar, y ambos proveedores facilitan igualmente hacer negocios en general. Sin embargo, VComply es más fácil de configurar y administrar.
Facilidad de uso, aceleración del Programa de Seguridad, conocimiento y experiencia de mi gerente de éxito.
Many features you would want dont exist, or are not easy to implement. And the system is not very intuitive. We spend a lot of time coaching people. Information that should be captured automatically (date) are put in as selection boxes.
The platform is extremely seamless and I really loved using it. I am really on top of my compliances thanks to them.
Working logic on Governance, Risk, Compliance is weak. Criteria for triggering automatic response is not a strong point. From time to time we see constraints when we try to use Vcomply for central management of multi-locations/subsidiaries.
Facilidad de uso, aceleración del Programa de Seguridad, conocimiento y experiencia de mi gerente de éxito.
The platform is extremely seamless and I really loved using it. I am really on top of my compliances thanks to them.
Many features you would want dont exist, or are not easy to implement. And the system is not very intuitive. We spend a lot of time coaching people. Information that should be captured automatically (date) are put in as selection boxes.
Working logic on Governance, Risk, Compliance is weak. Criteria for triggering automatic response is not a strong point. From time to time we see constraints when we try to use Vcomply for central management of multi-locations/subsidiaries.