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Zulu Cloud Business Platform Bewertungen & Produktdetails

Zulu Cloud Business Platform Übersicht

Was ist Zulu Cloud Business Platform?

Zulu is an all-in-one business platform designed for retailers, service providers, and trade businesses. With over 14 powerful modules, Zulu centralizes workflows like CRM, inventory, job tracking, and ecommerce, reducing costs and boosting productivity. Say goodbye to repetitive tasks that hold you back. Forget the need to constantly double-handle data. Get ready to become more efficient with Zulu! Zulu includes features such as: CRM, Invoicing, Ordering & Procurement, Job Management, Time Tracking, Digital Forms & much more. Zulu is great for new businesses wanting a solid base to start with from day one. It is also great for an established organisation lacking a refined system to manage their business. Zulu can serve many functions from the one platform and generally for significantly cheaper than many individual systems. Many customers of Zulu love the fact that it is customisable, meaning if you have a specific process you wish automated and made more efficient - the development team can customise the software specifically to help you achieve this. Zulu's wide casting net of potential businesses can be narrowed into 3 verticals - Retail & Distribution, Trades and Professional Services. Retailers and distributors can use Zulu to manage stock and inventory as well as handle the quoting and selling of product to their customers (both B2B and B2C). Trades people can use Zulu to track jobs on the go, with one-click invoicing and digital quoting built-in. Professional service businesses can use Zulu to handle their CRM, create quotes, capture digital signatures, bill their labour in a few clicks and manage team delegation with ease.

Zulu Cloud Business Platform Details
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Zulu is an all-in-one business platform designed for retailers, service providers, and trade businesses. With over 14 powerful modules, Zulu centralizes workflows like CRM, inventory, job tracking, and ecommerce, reducing costs and boosting productivity. Say goodbye to repetitive tasks that hold you back. Forget the need to constantly double-handle data. Get ready to become more efficient with Zulu! Zulu includes features such as: CRM, Invoicing, Ordering & Procurement, Job Management, Time Tracking, Digital Forms & much more...

Newmarket, NZ
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Zulu is an all-in-one business platform designed for retailers, service providers, and trade businesses. With over 14 powerful modules, Zulu centralizes workflows like CRM, inventory, job tracking, and ecommerce, reducing costs and boosting productivity.

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Zulu Cloud Business Platform Medien

Zulu Cloud Business Platform Demo - Customisable Pipeline
Create pipelines for sales, quoting, project and prospect funnel tracking.
Zulu Cloud Business Platform Demo - Order Procurement
From quote through to shipment. Zulu has built in ordering and procurement modules for retail distribution.
Zulu Cloud Business Platform Demo - Everything in One Place
Zulu includes over 14 unique modules to run your business giving you the power to run your operations from a single system saving you time and reducing the cost of multiple systems.
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