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UpGuard Bewertungen & Produktdetails

Manager Information and Cyber
Unternehmen mittlerer Größe(51-1000 Mitarbeiter)
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Bewertungsquelle: G2-Einladung im Namen des Verkäufers
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Was gefällt dir am besten UpGuard?

The ability to get a quick snapshot of a potential vendor or service quickly and then dig deeper either prior to procurement, as part of procurement or simply to know more about your own external attack surface Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? UpGuard?

It is an external view only and gaps can be identified and managed with extra effort but it does take effort. I know a lot is going into AI and learning as much from publicly accessible resources such as privacy pages and reports so this will help. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? UpGuard Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

Monitoring and tracking our own external attack service as well as getting a snapshot of our vendors as well as having a vehicle to work on addressing and tracking risks with them on a ongoing basis, Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

UpGuard Übersicht

Was ist UpGuard?

UpGuard bietet Software für das Management von Cyber-Sicherheitsrisiken (angeboten als SaaS), die Organisationen weltweit dabei hilft, Datenverletzungen zu verhindern, indem sie ihre Drittanbieter und deren Sicherheitslage kontinuierlich überwachen. UpGuard ist der einzige Dienst, der erstklassige Fähigkeiten zur Erkennung von Datenlecks über die gesamte Lieferkette einer Organisation hinweg bietet, während er kontinuierlich über eine Million Unternehmen überwacht, um Sicherheitslücken proaktiv mit proprietären Sicherheitsbewertungen zu identifizieren. Ihre Expertise wurde unter anderem in der New York Times, dem Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, der Washington Post, Forbes, Reuters und TechCrunch vorgestellt. Die leistungsstarken Risikobewertungs-Workflows von UpGuard ermöglichen es Organisationen, Sicherheitsfragebögen zu automatisieren, und die identifizierten Risiken aus den Antworten werden automatisch den Sicherheitsbewertungen der Anbieter zugeordnet, was einen ganzheitlichen Überblick über die von Drittanbietern ausgehenden Risiken bietet. Die Behebungsfähigkeiten erleichtern es Organisationen, intern und mit Drittanbietern zusammenzuarbeiten, um die identifizierten Sicherheitsrisiken zu beheben.

UpGuard Details
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UpGuard ist eine Cybersicherheitsplattform, die globalen Organisationen hilft, Datenverletzungen zu verhindern, Drittanbieter zu überwachen und ihre Sicherheitslage zu verbessern. Mit proprietären Sicherheitsbewertungen, erstklassigen Fähigkeiten zur Erkennung von Datenlecks und leistungsstarken Behebungs-Workflows identifizieren wir proaktiv Sicherheitslücken für Unternehmen jeder Größe.

Wie positionieren Sie sich gegenüber Ihren Mitbewerbern?

UpGuard ist der einzige Dienst, der erstklassige Fähigkeiten zur Erkennung von Datenlecks über die gesamte Lieferkette einer Organisation hinweg bietet, während er kontinuierlich über eine Million Unternehmen überwacht, um Sicherheitslücken zu identifizieren. Ihre Forschung wurde in Publikationen wie The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, The Washington Post, Forbes, Reuters und TechCrunch unter anderem vorgestellt.

Die Sicherheitsbewertungs-Engine von UpGuard überwacht Millionen von Unternehmen und Milliarden von Datenpunkten und bietet eine schnelle und genaue Identifizierung von Cyber-Risiken über Ihre Web-Eigenschaften und Drittanbieter hinweg.

Die End-to-End-Risikobewertungs-Workflows und Behebungsfähigkeiten von UpGuard erleichtern es Organisationen, Bewertungen durchzuführen und intern sowie mit Drittanbietern zusammenzuarbeiten, um die identifizierten Sicherheitsrisiken zu beheben, ohne Tabellenkalkulationen und E-Mails verwenden zu müssen.

UpGuard bietet auch einen maßgeschneiderten Managed Service für Risikobewertungen von kritischen Anbietern oder übernimmt vollständig den Prozess des Drittanbieter-Risikomanagements für alle Ihre Anbieter.

Mountain View, California
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266 Mitarbeiter*innen auf LinkedIn®

UpGuard is a comprehensive cyber risk solution that combines third-party security ratings, vendor questionnaires, and threat intelligence capabilities to help businesses manage and improve their security posture.

Kaushik S.
Übersicht bereitgestellt von:

Aktuelle UpGuard Bewertungen

Dushyant K.Unternehmen (> 1000 Mitarbeiter)
5.0 von 5
"Comprehensive tool for Vulnerability assessment and Vendor risk"
User Interface of UpGuard is really very easy to use and navigate. Breach risk module of UpGuard is really a go-to section for fetching data of al...
Danny M.
Danny M.Unternehmen (> 1000 Mitarbeiter)
4.0 von 5
"Very Beneficial!"
you can measure your own attack surface to help manage your external facing risk. very simple to use - we leverage it weekly to review our state an...
Scott C.Unternehmen mittlerer Größe (51-1000 Mitarbeiter)
4.5 von 5
"A Good Product that Delivers What it Promises"
I am a Head of Risk & Compliance working in a multinational financial services organisation. UpGuard has been very useful in helping onboard, mo...
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UpGuard Medien

UpGuard Demo - UpGuard Breach Risk Dashboard
Executive Summary of UpGuard Breach Risk, a complete attack surface management platform.
UpGuard Demo - UpGuard Vendor Risk Dashboard
Executive Summary of UpGuard Vendor Risk, a complete third-party risk management platform.
UpGuard Demo - UpGuard Vendor Data Leaks
Find leaked credentials and exposed data before they fall into the wrong hands.
UpGuard Demo - UpGuard Questionnaires Dashboard
Send questionnaires to identify potential weaknesses among your third-party and fourth-party vendors, business partners, and service providers that could result in a data breach, data leak, and other types of cyber attacks.
UpGuard Demo - UpGuard Reports
UpGuard’s Reports Library makes it easier and faster for you to access tailor-made reports for different stakeholders, all in one centralized location.
Watch our Product Tour
UpGuard Video abspielen
Watch our Product Tour
Watch Dan Bradbury's presentation as he discusses UpGuard's key 2024 priorities, including innovative solutions like Managed Vendor Assessments and Trust Exchange.
UpGuard Video abspielen
Watch Dan Bradbury's presentation as he discusses UpGuard's key 2024 priorities, including innovative solutions like Managed Vendor Assessments and Trust Exchange.
Watch Jess Hooper's presentation on Trust Exchange, UpGuard's latest AI-powered product that streamlines the security questionnaire process, enhances collaboration and enables proactive sharing of security information.
UpGuard Video abspielen
Watch Jess Hooper's presentation on Trust Exchange, UpGuard's latest AI-powered product that streamlines the security questionnaire process, enhances collaboration and enables proactive sharing of security information.
Watch Jess Aiken's presentation as she reveals how our scanning engine now identifies 23k+ technology products, aiding organizations in managing risk by monitoring both common and obscure technologies across their attack surface.
UpGuard Video abspielen
Watch Jess Aiken's presentation as she reveals how our scanning engine now identifies 23k+ technology products, aiding organizations in managing risk by monitoring both common and obscure technologies across their attack surface.

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355 von 356 Gesamtbewertungen für UpGuard

4.5 von 5
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355 von 356 Gesamtbewertungen für UpGuard
4.5 von 5
355 von 356 Gesamtbewertungen für UpGuard
4.5 von 5

UpGuard Vor- und Nachteile

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Business information Security Analyst
Unternehmen(> 1000 Mitarbeiter)
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Bewertungsquelle: G2-Einladung im Namen des Verkäufers
Anreizbasierte Bewertung
Was gefällt dir am besten UpGuard?

User Interface of UpGuard is really very easy to use and navigate.

Breach risk module of UpGuard is really a go-to section for fetching data of all the vulnerabilities in the organization with CVEs of each vulnerability.

Remediation is also recommended with each vulnerability which is a very good aspect in order to address the vulnerability.

Customer support is great in terms to timely reply and addressing of issue.

I use it on a daily basis to monitor vulnerabilities.

It was easy to implement.

Vendor Risk is also a great initiative which help us to assess vendors with whom we are working, or we need to start working with. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? UpGuard?

There is nothing that I dislike about UpGuard. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? UpGuard Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

Saving time as it is an all in one tool used for Vendor Risk, Breach Risk, Identity exposures.

Easy for Third Party Risk management too.

Giving accurate results in terms of everything, thus saving time and resources. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Head of Risk &amp; Compliance
Unternehmen mittlerer Größe(51-1000 Mitarbeiter)
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Bewertungsquelle: G2-Einladung im Namen des Verkäufers
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Was gefällt dir am besten UpGuard?

I am a Head of Risk & Compliance working in a multinational financial services organisation.

UpGuard has been very useful in helping onboard, monitor and oversee our suppliers and vendors across several different jurisdictions. I found implementation to be straightforward, and subsequently the portal is easy to use. I particularly like how it generates a monthly report across all of our suppliers and vendors; that way I can be assured that the software is continuing to oversee the third parties we work with and ultimately rely on to do business.

As my role is focused on oversight, I will say that I only use it every so often (such as once a month) - but it has still proven useful and easy to integrate into my working pattern.

Finally, I have not been required to contact Customer Support with any queries; the software has been straightforward enough for me to use. I have not needed the assistance. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? UpGuard?

I would say that a potential challenge that I did not personally experience but may prove to be a hurdle for some is UpGuard's general UI. Because the UI does not really look like any other software in use at my firm, it may mean that other new users may take some time to get used to it. As I say though, this was not an issue in my direct experience. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? UpGuard Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

Previously our third party/supplier/vendor management was all done via a single, very big, spreadsheet. UpGuard enables us to break down the work required into different component parts, making the amount of effort less "chunky". It also comes with its own version control and, importantly for me, ongoing monitoring that gives me the peace of mind that the third parties we are working with are being overseen consistently. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Lead Engineer
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Bewertungsquelle: G2-Einladung im Namen des Verkäufers
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(Ursprünglich )Informationen
Was gefällt dir am besten UpGuard?

I've been using UpGuard for over 3 years now, and it has really improved our organization security posture. Easy to identify risks and vulnerabilities. The Breach risk features I use the most to work on identified vulnerability on owned domain, monitor the domain risk score and identity breach. The product is easy to use and UI is user-friendly. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? UpGuard?

Notification preference setting need to be improved. Don't have option to make setting for all user together. Domain discovery need to be more effective, missed some subdomains. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? UpGuard Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

UpGuard help us improve the security posture of the domains we own exposed publicly. We were able to improve the score a lot by working on identifying the unwanted domains exposed to public, unsed domains, vulnerabilities, unused port. We worked to remediate all the issue identified and this help us to improve the security risk score and hence reduce the overall attack surface.

It also helps us monitor any data exposure or leaks, We found multiple code leaks and Identity leak. It's allowing us to stay ahead of potential threats. The process to remediate the risk which include sending the comms to identified employee and code owners helps us reduce the time of remediation.

We've been able to improve our security risk score and maintain a strong risk rating. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Julien P.
Head of Information Security
Unternehmen mittlerer Größe(51-1000 Mitarbeiter)
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Bewertungsquelle: G2-Einladung im Namen des Verkäufers
Anreizbasierte Bewertung
Was gefällt dir am besten UpGuard?

Upguard is a great product with lot of improvements constantly added. I also had some interaction with their product team and they took in account our feedback in adding new features.

We mostly use Upguard for the Breachsight score, to keep track of our own security posture. We also use it to do vendor assessment for our critical vendors. And recently we started to use the Trust Page more often to showcase to our customers how much focus we put on security. The new features on the Trust page are great (branding, industry average score, certification logos).

The support is really good, they respond fast and usually resolve any issues very fast too. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? UpGuard?

Sometimes the speed of releasing feature mean that we miss some new functions and don't review them. For example the scoring of questionnaire had a few bugs ("not applicable" items couldn't as negative in the scoring). And then a customer asked us why our questionnaire score was low (as we leverage cloud provider we put the physical control as not applicable which made the score bad while in reality it's just irrelevant. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? UpGuard Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

Upguard ensure that we don't miss any security risks both about ourselves but also our vendors.

On top of that, with the trust page, it allows us to showcare our security excellence to our customers & prospect Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Senior Security Manager
Unternehmen(> 1000 Mitarbeiter)
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Bewertungsquelle: G2-Einladung im Namen des Verkäufers
Anreizbasierte Bewertung
Was gefällt dir am besten UpGuard?

I like mostly Security Ratings & Breach Incidents. With the help of UpGuard we can take action immediately & ask team to mitigate those risks on the basis of criticality & make our security posture better. UpGaurd is very easy tool to use & deployment is also a very good. It detects most of applications & domains automatically on basis of keyword & easy to add manually as well. Support after sales is also very good in terms of E-mail or via CSM, who always available to support. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? UpGuard?

Least helpful part of UpGuard is that sometime it doesn't give complete granularity actionable points, which needs attention of related team & team needs more granular report on this. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? UpGuard Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

UpGuard performs scan proactively & give security rating in real time which help us customers to present to their management. UpGuard help to get Breach information accurately with artefacts to cross checking. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Security Analyst
Unternehmen mittlerer Größe(51-1000 Mitarbeiter)
Bestätigter Bewerter
Verifizierter aktueller Benutzer
Bewertungsquelle: G2-Einladung im Namen des Verkäufers
Anreizbasierte Bewertung
Was gefällt dir am besten UpGuard?

"Breach sight" section is quite reliable and easy to understand.

We can easily get to know the vulnerabilities and CVEs associated with these. We can re-scan the application anytime we want to validate whether the vulnerability has been addressed or not.

It is easy to implement and as we can add and scan any custom domain also.

Remediation sub section is also a great way of tracking the vulnerabilities that are currently in progress of patching.

Additional sub section of identity breaches is a great feature as we can get to know if any data has been exposed over the deep and dark web.

Customer support is the backbone of every organization and UpGuard is perfect at customer support. We get revert for our query within 2-3 minutes of sending mail.

I have been using it daily to strengthen the security posture of all the web applications by automated scanning and ad-hoc scanning. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? UpGuard?

Vendor risk module is not very useful.

Questionnaires require a lot of time to be filled up and to be checked.

It is a whole different module.

We majorly focus on the Vulnerability assessment of Web applications and vendor risk is quite out of scope thing. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? UpGuard Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

UpGuard is a problem solver while we are going through the Breach sight's risk profile section and taking in use all of its sub sections.

TPRM is also a good initiative that we can use while onboarding any vendor with the help of questionnaires and we can get to know whether the vendor is compliant in a particular sense or not. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Global Director of Cybersecurity
Unternehmen(> 1000 Mitarbeiter)
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Bewertungsquelle: G2-Einladung im Namen des Verkäufers
Anreizbasierte Bewertung
Was gefällt dir am besten UpGuard?

I began creating custom risk questionnaires before UpGuard came into existence and have found they are now creating solutions for me to my latest needs when addressing vendor risk. These tools include things that I did not anticipate having access to and have found them useful in other applications for the enterprise. UpGuard may focus on vendor risk, but once you get in the platform there are a number of features. The tools are easy to use and implementation is easy to understand. When the interface is confusing it is easy to setup time with the customer service team who always help me gain momentum. I use the tool at least twice a week and find it a primary tool when reviewing vendor risks and several internal company risks. They have put in a lot of work and the value can be seen. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? UpGuard?

It takes time to learn to navigate the interface. There are no wizards to walk you step by step through what you want to do. The tool offers complex solutions and has a similar complex interface. I am a little salty about the recent interface changes and the update, while good changes, they impacted my productivity to the point I reached out to the account manager to help me with navigating. Easy conversation and back on track in 30 minutes, but this tool is not a fire and forget. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? UpGuard Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

UpGuard is assisting with our vendor risk assessment, is involved with the entire vendor risk management process and provides the final pieces to our risk scoring. We also utilize UpGuard to access the internal risks of individual branches using a custom-built self-attestation process within the UpGuard framework. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Executive - IT Security &amp; Governance
Unternehmen(> 1000 Mitarbeiter)
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Bewertungsquelle: G2-Einladung im Namen des Verkäufers
Anreizbasierte Bewertung
Was gefällt dir am besten UpGuard?

Being a user of UpGuard I really apprciate it's user-friendly interface along with the efficient monitoring and detections.

Some key points to be noted are:

- Very much useful and easy for non-technical user too.

- Implementation of the UpGuard was easy, efficient and smooth.

- The support team makes the tasks and queries efficient and smooth for the customers.

- Along with the product itself, it also makes easy for integration of various other products to be placed and monitor.

Hence, this is used in my organization as the most frequent site for security monitoring. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? UpGuard?

Being such strong and powerful site, it also lacks with few features as:

- Complex for the first time users

- Cost effectiveness Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? UpGuard Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

UpGuard helps in addressing and resoling several problems in the domain such as:

-Contineous Monitoring

- Third party risk management

- Risk assessment

- Compliance management

- Prevention in data breach Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Manager Cybersecurity
Unternehmen(> 1000 Mitarbeiter)
Bestätigter Bewerter
Verifizierter aktueller Benutzer
Bewertungsquelle: G2-Einladung im Namen des Verkäufers
Anreizbasierte Bewertung
Was gefällt dir am besten UpGuard?

I really like the ease of use. It provides very details risks and vulnerabilities for your domains but also vendors. Request remediation feature is very useful to track and enforce vendors to fix critical vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.

Questionnaires with AI capabilities to auto-fill out with SOC reports is a great way to save time for vendors

Identity breaches is a nice to have service to notify users abour compromised credentials.

New features are released every 2-3 weeks. They listen to their customers to offer a better experience.

Customer support is very responsive. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? UpGuard?

It lacks of multi language support withing the platform. I don't believe web browser built-in translation is a suitable solution as a workaround so I hope multi language support will be available in 2025.

Custom notification does not provide granularity of which risk we want to be notified (example: Expired certificate or unnecessary port open). Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? UpGuard Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

Vendor due diligence and compliance for NIST adoption Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

IT Security Engineer
Unternehmen(> 1000 Mitarbeiter)
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Bewertungsquelle: G2-Einladung im Namen des Verkäufers
Anreizbasierte Bewertung
Was gefällt dir am besten UpGuard?

What isn't to love about UpGuard? From prebuilt questionnaires for practically every security standard on the planet, to at-a-glance understanding of any red flags associated with your existing vendor or one your considering doing business with, UpGuard has you covered. The ability to see your own business's risks is a great layer in you Defense In Depth and Attack Surface Management strategy.

And did I mention they have the greatest customer support of any company I've ever seen. Little chat box in the bottom right, click it, type a message, and normally Eduardo answers me in about 10 seconds. Never seen a problem this guy can't fix, whether it's odd behavior in their software, or some obscure detection in an HTTP Redirect header. He's awesome!! This is the best vendor I've ever dealt with. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? UpGuard?

Absolutely Nothing. Go try them. You will not regret it. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? UpGuard Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

UpGuard finds all of the domains, websites, related brands, everything related to the vendor so you don't have to try to figure it out for yourself. Then they constantly monitor and look for risks and threats that might affect that vendor and you as a result.

They also let you know if any information related to your company or employees is disclosed in a breach, including the kind of information compromised and recommendations for next steps. You can even notify your employees directly from the UpGuard portal. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.