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BizAutomation Cloud ERP Preisübersicht

BizAutomation Cloud ERP im Überblick

BizAutomation has all inclusive pricing. What is that ? It's exactly what a busy small business owner needs, and is VERY important if you're in the market for ANY cloud subscription software, please take note !

In our industry, we hear horror stories of how some some companies lure in customers with low ball pricing that covers what they get, not not what they don't get, and the buyer gets hit with a "That's extra" or "Not included" well after they're on the platform and become aware of what they didn't know at the time of the purchase. This makes it the customer's responsibility to figure out what they might need, that's not included in the pricing. You might call it bait and switch, but it's even worse than that because at least bait and switch makes you aware of what the seller's intention is BEFORE a buyer commits. Committing your business to an ERP platform is not only a financial expense, but all that time it takes to implement, and train users is resource intensive. Want some examples ? Sure (we've heard many). Let's say you sell product, open a 2nd warehouse only to realize that the feature you know the ERP company offers is part of their "Advanced Inventory" module, which costs an extra $5K per year (ouch). Maybe you need to support serialization, or something you know during your research of the ERP product, was part of their offerings, only later, after you're commited, to find out it costs extra - a lot extra (it's all by design).

That's why we offer all inclusive pricing, with a clearly state what's extra (not much) at the time of sale. And anything that we might charge extra for. Everything else, including any future development to the suite, is included. Someone else pays for an enhancement, and you get it (and visa versa).

BizAutomation - Cloud ERP
$79.95 Per user per month
Ein Benutzer ist ein E-Mail-Konto, das sich in die BizAutomation-Cloud einloggt.
  • E-Commerce - 99 $ (Pro Website-URL pro Monat).
  • Verbindung zu Ihrer Bank für Dinge wie Rechnungszahlung (wird noch festgelegt)

BizAutomation Cloud ERP Preise & Pläne

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Preisinformationen für BizAutomation Cloud ERP werden vom Softwareanbieter bereitgestellt oder aus öffentlich zugänglichen Preisunterlagen abgerufen. Endgültige Kostenverhandlungen zum Kauf von BizAutomation Cloud ERP müssen mit dem Verkäufer geführt werden.
Preisinformationen wurden zuletzt am October 09, 2024 aktualisiert

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