The gamified quizzes and engaging interface make the learning process enjoyable and motivate me to consistently improve, all while saving valuable time.
We have been using SmartWinnr for two years and nothing bad report as of now
The custom features are great. I like how it can play a custom video for achievements. The different dashboards and competitions are fun too.
My sales team is not one that is very positive about change so it's been a tricky transition. Unfortunately, there's been a couple of things, especially during set-up that we thought the platform would do (or perhaps be set-up really smoothly) and due to...
The gamified quizzes and engaging interface make the learning process enjoyable and motivate me to consistently improve, all while saving valuable time.
The custom features are great. I like how it can play a custom video for achievements. The different dashboards and competitions are fun too.
We have been using SmartWinnr for two years and nothing bad report as of now
My sales team is not one that is very positive about change so it's been a tricky transition. Unfortunately, there's been a couple of things, especially during set-up that we thought the platform would do (or perhaps be set-up really smoothly) and due to...