The simplicity. It is very quick to create something that is incredibly beautiful
What I dislike about Shorthand is the price that we pay for the quality of product.
The component section builds that make this feel like a real interactive website. There are also some more sophisticated animation features like scrollytelling videos and parallax/zoom options that are easy additions. The VEV publishing was also able to...
It's s steep learning curve if you're used to thinking "PRINT" only. But I was able to make the transition, and I've been in the print business for 40 years.
The simplicity. It is very quick to create something that is incredibly beautiful
The component section builds that make this feel like a real interactive website. There are also some more sophisticated animation features like scrollytelling videos and parallax/zoom options that are easy additions. The VEV publishing was also able to...
What I dislike about Shorthand is the price that we pay for the quality of product.
It's s steep learning curve if you're used to thinking "PRINT" only. But I was able to make the transition, and I've been in the print business for 40 years.