SaleHoo has sent us many inbound leads from our product listings throughout the years, more than other directories and precisely what we needed. If you consider both quantity and quality to be important - the leads received were qualified, hungry, and ready...
Not enough options or enough suppliers to choose from.
Customers services and ease of use and more options than other
You do not vet the quality of your vendors. Some things purchased are very low quality and not as advertise. This is a concern for the smaller business owner as any bad publicity can be a business killer. Do not know what kind of business practices some of...
SaleHoo has sent us many inbound leads from our product listings throughout the years, more than other directories and precisely what we needed. If you consider both quantity and quality to be important - the leads received were qualified, hungry, and ready...
Customers services and ease of use and more options than other
Not enough options or enough suppliers to choose from.
You do not vet the quality of your vendors. Some things purchased are very low quality and not as advertise. This is a concern for the smaller business owner as any bad publicity can be a business killer. Do not know what kind of business practices some of...