İm super satisfied from Admin panrls,who show me everything i need to know about my site.
From the point of view of security it is known that phpnuke enjoys weak points, with which you can become admin of the script. If a company uses phpnuke has to be ultra monitored and I've even read that if you do not you drive a lot, it's best to isolate it...
I can't see any reason to use another platform. Every designer, web developer, SEO hand and intern you meet will have used this platform before. You don't need to reinvent the wheel. Use the tools that your potential hires already know how to use!
The free version doesn't allow embedding Java Scripts and other applets which kinds of restricts its scalability. Lot's of spam comments are observed in wordpress blogs, though it distinguishes the spammer's but yet we need to read between each comments to...
İm super satisfied from Admin panrls,who show me everything i need to know about my site.
I can't see any reason to use another platform. Every designer, web developer, SEO hand and intern you meet will have used this platform before. You don't need to reinvent the wheel. Use the tools that your potential hires already know how to use!
From the point of view of security it is known that phpnuke enjoys weak points, with which you can become admin of the script. If a company uses phpnuke has to be ultra monitored and I've even read that if you do not you drive a lot, it's best to isolate it...
The free version doesn't allow embedding Java Scripts and other applets which kinds of restricts its scalability. Lot's of spam comments are observed in wordpress blogs, though it distinguishes the spammer's but yet we need to read between each comments to...