This application is easy to learn and use with minimal tech support . This is highly helpful for domain with no IT Experts.
LearnUpon has facilitated our ability to grow our learning products and make them available to our customers. It's a great way to showcase your programs. The LMS is set up in a user-friendly and intuitive way. The customer service is great - I can reach out...
There are some odd limitations that we did not learn about up front in our initial presentations of this LMS. For instance, while you can build and host courses within modules, known as ILT's, you can only integrate external webinar platforms (ex. Zoom)...
This application is easy to learn and use with minimal tech support . This is highly helpful for domain with no IT Experts.
LearnUpon has facilitated our ability to grow our learning products and make them available to our customers. It's a great way to showcase your programs. The LMS is set up in a user-friendly and intuitive way. The customer service is great - I can reach out...
There are some odd limitations that we did not learn about up front in our initial presentations of this LMS. For instance, while you can build and host courses within modules, known as ILT's, you can only integrate external webinar platforms (ex. Zoom)...