I'm a contract Recruiter and Sourcer for a few companies in Silicon Valley. My main role with regards to Jobvite is reviewing resumes, contacting candidates, screening, rejecting, or submitting to hiring managers. I think this is very easy to use. It's...
There's too many to list. I've worked on their old UI and new UI. At Marketo, we've insisted on using the old UI as the new UI is horribly flawed. The old UI, while slightly better, is not intuitive. Most of our managers and employees just don't like...
Linked in helps us more to socialize with the corporate sector after we have done our higher studies in our respective fields so that we don't need to roam here and there for giving interviews in various companies and IT sector industries for job..
As the only professional social network in town, LinkedIn knows it has you over a barrel and takes full advantage. The "business" side of the site is very difficult to navigate and everything seems to be designed to force you into a conversation with...
I'm a contract Recruiter and Sourcer for a few companies in Silicon Valley. My main role with regards to Jobvite is reviewing resumes, contacting candidates, screening, rejecting, or submitting to hiring managers. I think this is very easy to use. It's...
Linked in helps us more to socialize with the corporate sector after we have done our higher studies in our respective fields so that we don't need to roam here and there for giving interviews in various companies and IT sector industries for job..
There's too many to list. I've worked on their old UI and new UI. At Marketo, we've insisted on using the old UI as the new UI is horribly flawed. The old UI, while slightly better, is not intuitive. Most of our managers and employees just don't like...
As the only professional social network in town, LinkedIn knows it has you over a barrel and takes full advantage. The "business" side of the site is very difficult to navigate and everything seems to be designed to force you into a conversation with...