When assessing the two solutions, reviewers found Huntress Managed EDR easier to use, set up, and administer. Reviewers also preferred doing business with Huntress Managed EDR overall.
Reporting is really good, great for reviewing with non-technical clients. Huntress has improved their product multiple times over the years, mostly without raising rates or introducing new products at a cost. We've had this product find breaches when...
Did not flag maleware in real enviroment
Red Canary first and foremost has reduced the amount of noise we were getting from our various log sources in our SIEM. Set up relatively seamless. Every staff member at Red Canary we have worked with has been a pleasure to work with and has been...
constantly changing csm almost every other month. whitelisting doesn't work so we get a lot of noise we can't stop.investigation feedback aslo decined
Reporting is really good, great for reviewing with non-technical clients. Huntress has improved their product multiple times over the years, mostly without raising rates or introducing new products at a cost. We've had this product find breaches when...
Red Canary first and foremost has reduced the amount of noise we were getting from our various log sources in our SIEM. Set up relatively seamless. Every staff member at Red Canary we have worked with has been a pleasure to work with and has been...
Did not flag maleware in real enviroment
constantly changing csm almost every other month. whitelisting doesn't work so we get a lot of noise we can't stop.investigation feedback aslo decined