Get Response is a really good CRM. It makes managing my e-mails and newsletters pretty easy. The ability to preview what my newsletters will look like via mobile is AWESOME! I love the analytics features. I find their training and FAQs very valuable. I...
In the past, the only thing I didn't love was that when creating emails or landing pages, moving images and text around was not very smooth. It was a bit buggy. Also, certain fonts wouldn't work properly on my landing pages. But overall I was always able to...
The best system for testing e-commerce activity
Typical money-grab, customer acquisition procedure perfected, then disaster. Pay and cry standards from 20 years ago there are many better alternatives.
Get Response is a really good CRM. It makes managing my e-mails and newsletters pretty easy. The ability to preview what my newsletters will look like via mobile is AWESOME! I love the analytics features. I find their training and FAQs very valuable. I...
The best system for testing e-commerce activity
In the past, the only thing I didn't love was that when creating emails or landing pages, moving images and text around was not very smooth. It was a bit buggy. Also, certain fonts wouldn't work properly on my landing pages. But overall I was always able to...
Typical money-grab, customer acquisition procedure perfected, then disaster. Pay and cry standards from 20 years ago there are many better alternatives.