Encompass is proficient at the stage of data collection in KYC processes. I also find that it quickly collects information from different places, which would otherwise consume much of my time. The platform is easy to use and interpret, even for those who...
The downside for me is the absence of continuous coordinated effort. On the off chance that numerous credit officials are dealing with a document at the same time, it can prompt disarray and even information irregularities.
Fantastic customer service helps to pinpoint the exact information I need. The service sends me clippings each day that are interesting and insightful, and I quickly share them with my colleagues to spark new conversations with the clients - effectively,...
Not beening able to export imports it would be a handy way to clean small data sets
Encompass is proficient at the stage of data collection in KYC processes. I also find that it quickly collects information from different places, which would otherwise consume much of my time. The platform is easy to use and interpret, even for those who...
Fantastic customer service helps to pinpoint the exact information I need. The service sends me clippings each day that are interesting and insightful, and I quickly share them with my colleagues to spark new conversations with the clients - effectively,...
The downside for me is the absence of continuous coordinated effort. On the off chance that numerous credit officials are dealing with a document at the same time, it can prompt disarray and even information irregularities.
Not beening able to export imports it would be a handy way to clean small data sets