I like the way it has a remote management system to manage and monitor all documents and files in a backup site and cloud.
The prices for the product seem a bit high
You can backup to hard drive or tape. Restoring files within a vm is so much faster then other products I have used in the past. The replication software is important to having a DR site. i have used the product for about 4 years and it gets better every...
Some times the response is slow when you are not able to speak with someone initially. Have had times when I have waited days exchanging emails trying to get help. This just happened on my last issue.
I like the way it has a remote management system to manage and monitor all documents and files in a backup site and cloud.
You can backup to hard drive or tape. Restoring files within a vm is so much faster then other products I have used in the past. The replication software is important to having a DR site. i have used the product for about 4 years and it gets better every...
The prices for the product seem a bit high
Some times the response is slow when you are not able to speak with someone initially. Have had times when I have waited days exchanging emails trying to get help. This just happened on my last issue.