The ability to discover certificates on devices and automate certificate renewals and pushes to end devices.
I've had a lot of trouble getting AppViewX to discover certs from EC2 instances
Key factor management has been very supportive of my needs - in recent tickets we have found that Ethan Hildum and Jimmy Grotemeyer have been instrumental in helping with ticket assistance
SaaS customers have little freedom to customize implementation. Lot of adjustments/workarounds to be made when coming from a different solution. High dependency with support.
The ability to discover certificates on devices and automate certificate renewals and pushes to end devices.
Key factor management has been very supportive of my needs - in recent tickets we have found that Ethan Hildum and Jimmy Grotemeyer have been instrumental in helping with ticket assistance
I've had a lot of trouble getting AppViewX to discover certs from EC2 instances
SaaS customers have little freedom to customize implementation. Lot of adjustments/workarounds to be made when coming from a different solution. High dependency with support.