Storage is cheap, so I can save there all the data that I'll probably never need (but better safe than sorry!)
I found it a bit slow, may be as I was using it as just a user.
According to my overall experience archive storgae is a perfect tier to store the large amount of data with respective to object storage also it can preserve loads of data often needs to be stored for a extended duration
As of now, I don't have any dislike for OCI archival storage.
Storage is cheap, so I can save there all the data that I'll probably never need (but better safe than sorry!)
According to my overall experience archive storgae is a perfect tier to store the large amount of data with respective to object storage also it can preserve loads of data often needs to be stored for a extended duration
I found it a bit slow, may be as I was using it as just a user.
As of now, I don't have any dislike for OCI archival storage.