When assessing the two solutions, reviewers found Google Cloud Identity easier to use and do business with overall. However, reviewers preferred the ease of set up with Amazon Cognito, along with administration.
This is really the best solution to agregate Idemtity provider and use them all in the same way
Documentation is all over the place. And Cognito can be broken it 2 or 3 products by itself. Getting through the documentation took me a lot of time. I am also struggling with a few API calls that seem to return some issues
I like how easy it is to log into many tools using Google Identity. It is very seamless.
I hate that you can not edit the name once it is created or you cant change the name later
This is really the best solution to agregate Idemtity provider and use them all in the same way
I like how easy it is to log into many tools using Google Identity. It is very seamless.
Documentation is all over the place. And Cognito can be broken it 2 or 3 products by itself. Getting through the documentation took me a lot of time. I am also struggling with a few API calls that seem to return some issues
I hate that you can not edit the name once it is created or you cant change the name later