Reseller hosting is a type of web hosting service where the hosting provider allows an organization to purchase or lease hosting packages in bulk and then sell those to their clients. The hosting provider offers the hardware, software, and general infrastructure to the organization buying their hosting packages so that they can host their clients' websites.
This type of hosting is popular among web development and designing agencies who want to provide hosting services to their clients. Reseller hosting may adopt a white label approach wherein the company buying or renting hosting services from the provider can repackage and resell those services under their own brand name and manage the business for their clients. In most setups, the leasing organization will be responsible for providing customer support, billing, and allocating resources as per their clients' requirements. While the hosting provider would still be providing the equipment, the organization leasing the services would be in charge of hosting the website for their clients. Reseller hosts may also provide premium services including automated updates, backups, and free SSL certificates for the clients of the organization renting their services. They may also sell domain names or provide specialized customer support.
To qualify for inclusion in the Reseller Hosting category, a provider must:
Allow reselling of their hosting services by third parties
Offer hosting infrastructure on behalf of the third party organization, including specific allocations for bandwidth, storage space and the number of websites it can support