Shared hosting is a type of web hosting service where a single physical web server is used to host multiple websites. Upon opting for a shared hosting service with the provider, a segment or portion is created on the server to accommodate data for that particular website. Shared hosting is an ideal solution for hosting small to average-sized websites with low to moderate traffic. Being a shared service, it costs less than other types of web hosting services.
Unlike a dedicated hosting service, where a server and all its resources are dedicated solely to one user, under shared hosting, web resources are allocated to multiple websites hosted on the same server.
To qualify for inclusion in the Shared Hosting category, a product must:
Host websites on a single physical server
Have a well-designed and easy-to-use control panel for managing websites, email accounts, databases, and settings
Allow scaling of resources based on user requirements
Support SQL (including MySQL) or NoSQL databases
Reduce website downtime and latency by distributing traffic across multiple servers