Mind mapping software are specialized diagramming tools that allow users to organize brainstorming sessions into topics and relationships. Mind maps are diagrams that break down thought processes into topics, subtopics, and relationships between them by arranging them into simple words and lines. While this can be done by hand, mind mapping tools are available on multiple devices, allow for easy digital storage, and can offer other features that facilitate collaboration.
Diagramming software options can also make mind maps, and some products offer specific mind map templates within their feature set. However, diagramming software are also capable of making several types of diagrams, such as organizational charts and floor plans, while dedicated mind mapping tools are intended only for mind maps. There can also be overlap between mind mapping solutions and collaborative whiteboard software, but the latter are much more freeform in what users can do in the editable workspace they provide.
To qualify for inclusion in the Mind Mapping category, a product must:
Offer users an open, editable workspace
Provide users with tools to record ideas and draw relationships between them in a diagram format
Allow users to save and share their mind maps
Specifically and intentionally facilitate the creation of mind maps