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133 reviews

NVivo is software that supports qualitative and mixed methods research. It's designed to help organize, analyze and find insights in unstructured, or qualitative data like: interviews, open-ended survey responses, articles, social media and web content.

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48 reviews

XLSTAT is a user-friendly, comprehensive, affordable and performant statistical software that works as an add-on to Excel. XLSTAT's features include data visualization, statistical modeling (regression, ANOVA, mixed models, PLS...), data mining (PCA, MCA, DA...), stat tests, forecasting methods, machine learning, conjoint analysis, PLS-SEM, survival analysis, method comparison, OMICs data analysis, SPC and many more.

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17 reviews

Citavi is a user-friendly reference management and knowledge organization program for researchers and students.

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11 reviews

From the financial to the scientific, anyone who faces uncertainty in their quantitative analyses can benefit from @RISK. @RISK helps both Fortune 100 companies and private consultancies paint a realistic picture of possible scenarios. This allows businesses to not only buffer risks, but also identify and exploit opportunities for growth.

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5 reviews

Streamline your student placement program with Sonia. Easily and efficiently manage placement programs for any discipline. Place, track and monitor students from one system. Centralize placement data for a single view of your program and access powerful reporting. Connect to your existing student information systems. With Sonia, you can deliver highly personalized placement experiences that make your school stand out.

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DecisionTools Suite

4 reviews

Complete Risk & Decision Analysis Toolkit for Microsoft Excel & Project

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ZENPLOT®, the Data Visualization software dedicated to advanced graphics. ZENPLOT® allows you to create impactful visualizations by stacking different graphic layers (histograms, scatterplots, line charts, bar charts etc.). The data can be linked to any characteristic of the different layers (color, shapes, etc.). The user also has the option of annotating visualizations with images, text or shapes while navigating through a user-friendly interface. Each graphic is then exportable to vectorial or standard format.

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0 reviews

XLOPTIM®, the leading optimization solver for Microsoft Excel® XLOPTIM® solves your operational problems by providing the efficiency of LocalSolver’s optimization engine directly inside your Excel worksheets. This no-code AI platform will help you to find powerful solutions in a short amount of time and enhance productivity in decision making scenarios. Furthermore, XLOPTIM® can be used as a primary aide in the education field, especially to easily teach Operations Research and Business Analytics.

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Amanda C.
Validated Reviewer
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Review source: Organic

Sonia streamlines our field placement processes from beginning to end

Sonia has been a valuable tool in streamlining our field placement processes for all users - students, agency supervisors, faculty and our field team. The platform is very customizable which has allowed us to meet our needs and often enhance how we support our 470+ students in field placements any given year. The Sonia team is exceptionally knowledgeable and responsive. Beyond just answering questions, they collaborate with our team to think through processes and designs systems that allow for ease of use.
Jessica T.
Jessica T.
Validated Reviewer
Verified Current User
Review source: Organic

Efficient Placement & Data Tracking System

SONIA has been extremely helpful in the organization and tracking of student placements and all needed data. I enjoy the ease of use for data entry and exporting of required data for reports and projections, specifically as it relates to CSWE competencies. The available support and resources are also a huge help when needing to resolve an issue or concern. The ability to "copy" forms and share them, both internally and externally, is an excellent means of working 'smarter, not harder' and is ideal in an everchanging and evolving atmosphere.
Alonso E.
Validated Reviewer
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Review source: Organic

Excellent intuitive qualitative software

NVivo is a great tool when coding qualitative data. Whether it is transcripts, audio, or images, NVivo has the flexibility for you to accomplish the task.



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Denver, CO



What is Lumivero?

Lumivero offers custom-built software solutions that allow users to leverage tools to answer the important questions they are working to decode. Lumivero brings trusted research, decision-making, and organizational tools together that enable professionals to do their work efficiently and productively and to make decisions more confidently.


Year Founded