Visão Geral de Preços myPARM
myPARM em resumo
myPARM can be operated either locally (on-premise) or hosted. You can purchase the software licences once or rent them. Renting according to the software-as-a-service principle (SaaS) is also possible. This includes the provision of the project management software on a server as well as administrative tasks such as regular data backups, updates and performance monitoring. Your data is stored in a Private Virtual Data Centre (PVDC), which means that your data is in a private and secure environment that is customised for you.
Preços e planos de myPARM
myPARM can be operated either locally (on-premise) or hosted. You can purchase the software licences once or rent them. Renting according to the software-as-a-service principle (SaaS) is also possible. This includes the provision of the project management software on a server as well as administrative tasks such as regular data backups, updates and performance monitoring. Your data is stored in a Private Virtual Data Centre (PVDC), which means that your data is in a private and secure environment that is customised for you.
Test the software as pilot project under realistic conditions:
As informações de preços foram atualizadas pela última vez em April 04, 2022Principais Alternativas de myPARM Mais Bem Avaliadas
Preços das Alternativas de myPARM
A seguir está uma visão geral das edições oferecidas por outros Software de Gestão de Projetos
![]() Free | $0.00 | Para indivíduos ou equipes que procuram organizar qualquer coisa.
![]() Free | $0.00 | Para equipes que desejam experimentar o Slack por um período ilimitado de tempo
![]() Pro | $9.001 user Por Mês | Para pessoas e equipes que desejam acompanhar, compartilhar e gerenciar projetos.
Vários preços e planos de alternativas