Visão Geral de Preços Business Continuity Maturity Model
Preços e planos de Business Continuity Maturity Model
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“Upon registering to use this assessment, the User is granted a temporary license to access Sustainable Planner® for the sole purpose of assessing their organizational resilience using the Business Continuity Maturity Model® (BCMM®). Your participation in this assessment is voluntary and you can withdraw at any time. User may receive emails or other forms of communication regarding access to the Sustainable Planner® software or their data that they have entered and stored within Sustainable Planner®. No information entered will be sold or be accessible to other Users. By “opting in” and completing the assessment, User is granting permission for Virtual Corporation to use the data collected to create aggregate reports for the benefit of users. In the reports no single user or participating company is identified beyond being part of a group defined by demographic data provided by User regarding criteria such as company industry, size, and/or general location. The ability to “opt out” of participating in the assessment has been provided, however aggregated data may still be used for reporting purposes. All data entered is stored in a password protected and encrypted electronic format and is considered to be “Confidential Information” and will be treated with the same rigor that is used by Virtual Corporation in the protection of their own Confidential Information.
Virtual Corporation may at any time modify the BCMM® and/or this assessment. When making any reference to the BCMM or assessment, or contraction, expansion, partial reproduction or any other modification, you are required to a) make attribution to Virtual Corporation and Copyright, and b) clearly mark Virtual’s materials. This assessment is provided “as is” and without warranty, either express or implied (thus, no warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, quiet enjoyment or non-infringement) and Virtual Corporation shall not be liable for any incidental, special, indirect, or consequential damages. Your rights under this license will terminate in the event you violate any of its provisions or bring an action against Virtual Corporation relating to this assessment.”
© Virtual Corporation
Principais Alternativas de Business Continuity Maturity Model Mais Bem Avaliadas
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