Ao avaliar as duas soluções, os revisores acharam LucidLink mais fácil de usar. No entanto, sentiram que Azure Files é mais fácil de configurar. Ambos os produtos foram igualmente fáceis de administrar, e ambos os fornecedores facilitam igualmente fazer negócios em geral.
I like that we can all work on the same files without having to keep them on desktops and individually update.
It requires platform experties and management for support.
Prior to LucidLink, our editors had a significant delay in uploading and downloading files in order to work with them in Premiere. Now that they work out of LucidLink, that time is minimized. Moving to LucidLink from Box was easy and straightforward. The...
Apenas não é uma boa opção para uma empresa muito pequena.
I like that we can all work on the same files without having to keep them on desktops and individually update.
Prior to LucidLink, our editors had a significant delay in uploading and downloading files in order to work with them in Premiere. Now that they work out of LucidLink, that time is minimized. Moving to LucidLink from Box was easy and straightforward. The...
It requires platform experties and management for support.
Apenas não é uma boa opção para uma empresa muito pequena.