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Ticketbud Features

What are the features of Ticketbud?


  • Event creation
  • User registration process
  • Payment processing
  • Mobile check-in
  • On-site tickets and registration

Marketing and Communications

  • Event website creation
  • Email automation
  • Email customization
  • Contact list management
  • Social media promotion
  • Lead generation and retrieval

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Event creation

Process of creating a new event 17 reviewers of Ticketbud have provided feedback on this feature.
(Based on 17 reviews)

User registration process

User experience of registering for an event 16 reviewers of Ticketbud have provided feedback on this feature.
(Based on 16 reviews)

Payment processing

Ease of use in processing attendee payments 15 reviewers of Ticketbud have provided feedback on this feature.
(Based on 15 reviews)

Mobile check-in

Check attendees into events and sessions using a mobile device This feature was mentioned in 12 Ticketbud reviews.
(Based on 12 reviews)

On-site tickets and registration

Register attendees and sell tickets on-site 14 reviewers of Ticketbud have provided feedback on this feature.
(Based on 14 reviews)

Marketing and Communications

Event website creation

Design and manage a dedicated event website 12 reviewers of Ticketbud have provided feedback on this feature.
(Based on 12 reviews)

Email automation

Based on 14 Ticketbud reviews. Automate email communications with attendees
(Based on 14 reviews)

Email customization

Design and customize email communications This feature was mentioned in 13 Ticketbud reviews.
(Based on 13 reviews)

Contact list management

Organize and manage contact list of attendees This feature was mentioned in 14 Ticketbud reviews.
(Based on 14 reviews)

Social media promotion

Advertise and promote event using social media integrations 10 reviewers of Ticketbud have provided feedback on this feature.
(Based on 10 reviews)

Lead generation and retrieval

Based on 11 Ticketbud reviews. Tools for capture and follow-up of leads generated during an event
(Based on 11 reviews)