MapItFast’s feature of field mapping using one tap has been useful for data collection. What is particularly useful is the ability to record GPS points, lines, or polygons of areas of interest such as specific vegetation types, or rare animal observations. Review collected by and hosted on
Althogh MapItFast is designed mostly to export data in less anallytical ready formats like shapefile or GPX my team’s preferred GIS analytical tool. This may lead to errors, as well as slow down the work related to analysis and data interpretation. Review collected by and hosted on
MapItFast has proved useful for my field data collection work. These basic rendering attributes, that too with the one-tap mapping function for the points, lines and polygons makes data collection easy compared to the conventional ways. Review collected by and hosted on
The primary reason why I call this tool subpar is that there aren’t more options for direct exporting into the formats such as CSV or Excel where processing the data requires several steps before getting the data ready for further analysis. Review collected by and hosted on
MapItFast has changed my field crews data-gathering techniques in very many ways. The one-click mapping feature to send points, lines, and polygons is incredibly easy to use whether the user has basic or no GIS background at all. Review collected by and hosted on
When it comes to offline data editing, MapItFast only seems to have the most rudimentary of capabilities. When logged out, a team member cannot modify the items already placed on the map or create new ones. Review collected by and hosted on
The fact that no special hardware is required for using the software makes it versatile. We used it on Android and iOS both for plotting maps in field. Review collected by and hosted on
The UI - UX can be improved a bit. Other than this there is nothing to complain about. Review collected by and hosted on