FortiSandbox Features
What are the features of FortiSandbox?
- Sandbox
- Malware Evaluation
- Automatic Submission
- Automatic Evaluation
- Malware Probability Scores
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Sandbox | An environment isolated from a network where threats can be safely evaluated. 11 reviewers of FortiSandbox have provided feedback on this feature. | 97% (Based on 11 reviews) |
Malware Evaluation | As reported in 11 FortiSandbox reviews. Tools to test an object to see whether or not it qualifies as malware. | 91% (Based on 11 reviews) | |
Automatic Submission | The ability for a system to evaluate objects and automatically submit them to the sandbox. 10 reviewers of FortiSandbox have provided feedback on this feature. | 92% (Based on 10 reviews) | |
Automatic Evaluation | As reported in 11 FortiSandbox reviews. The ability for a system to evaluate objects within the sandbax and assign a malware probability score. | 88% (Based on 11 reviews) | |
Malware Probability Scores | The ability to assign objects a score based on their probability of being malware. 11 reviewers of FortiSandbox have provided feedback on this feature. | 85% (Based on 11 reviews) |