Vue d'ensemble des tarifs de Stratifyd
Stratifyd en un coup d'œil
Stratifyd's pricing model is based on the data type and volume you analyze in the platform, enabling businesses of any size to afford industry leading speech and text analytics.
Our pricing is based on the annual volume for each data source, such as call or chat transcripts, emails, tickets, surveys, reviews and social media. More complex data sources, such as calls and chats, have a higher per record cost than simple sources such as survey responses and social media.
Because Stratifyd already has hundreds of prebuilt data connectors to both internal and external sources, we have one of the lowest implementation costs of any vendor.
Our platform is also completely self-service, but we also offer professional services support based on your team's experience and resources available to work in Stratifyd. Most customers choose initial training with a low level of ongoing professional services, significantly reducing the cost compared to other vendors.
Finally, to prove the value of Stratifyd, we will run a free custom analysis using one or more of your data sources. We can also turn around pricing quickly once we've confirmed your desired scope.
Tarification et plans Stratifyd
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Ce qui suit est un aperçu rapide des éditions proposées par d'autres Plateformes d'analyse
![]() CXone Mpower Digital Agent | À partir de $71.001 Agent Par mois | Le premier package numérique prend en charge plus de 30 chaînes numériques.
![]() Frontline Care | Nous contacter | Meilleur pour l'expérience client et les responsables de centres de contact qui souhaitent fidéliser et vendre plus de produits aux clients.
![]() Creator | $70.001 User Par mois |
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