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Présentation de Recruit AI

Qu'est-ce que Recruit AI?

What We Do: AI-Driven Recruitment Excellence At Recruit-AI, our unwavering dedication focuses on seamlessly integrating AI into recruitment workflows. Through meticulous analysis and profound insights, we've developed state-of-the-art automation tools that are reshaping the future of talent acquisition, making recruitment smarter, faster, and more effective for our clients. At Recruit-AI, we also specialize in crafting white label AI powered recruitment solutions tailored to the needs of our clients. Advance Features For Modern Recruiters:- - AI powered lite Applicant Tracking System (ATS) - Automated creation of job description and skills map - Sharing of the posted jobs on Social Media Platforms - Bulk CV analysis, automated parsing and matching. - Virtual AI Recruiter for screening and filtering - AI generated tests for skills validation & scoring - Video interviews powered by AI to assess applicant’s behavioral and soft skills

Détails de Recruit AI
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Description du produit

What We Do: AI-Driven Recruitment Excellence At Recruit-AI, our unwavering dedication focuses on seamlessly integrating AI into recruitment workflows. Through meticulous analysis and profound insights, we've developed state-of-the-art automation tools that are reshaping the future of talent acquisition, making recruitment smarter, faster, and more effective for our clients. At Recruit-AI, we also specialize in crafting white label AI powered recruitment solutions tailored to the needs of our clients. Advance Features For Modern Recruiters:- - AI powered lite Applicant Tracking System (ATS) - Automated creation of job description and skills map - Sharing of the posted jobs on Social Media Platforms - Bulk CV analysis, automated parsing and matching. - Virtual AI Recruiter for screening and filtering - AI generated tests for skills validation & scoring - Video interviews powered by AI to assess applicant’s behavioral and soft skills

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Khizer I.
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