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Avis et détails du produit de nCore HR

Présentation de nCore HR

Qu'est-ce que nCore HR?

nCore HR is a cloud-based Recruiting Automation Software that reduces the workload of professionals involved in recruiting functions by optimizing all repetitive tasks. Our goal is to give people more time back to invest in high value-added activities. We are an innovative company with a mission to contribute to the digital transformation of leading companies. nCore HR is a simple and straightforward tool that helps companies rethink their approach and enhance their recruiting processes: it creates a unique user experience for recruiters, managers, candidates and external actors such as headhunters or recruitment agencies. Our solution is built with remote screening capabilities supported by artificial intelligence and other innovative technologies, constantly evolving through our user-centered development process. Find the most suitable candidates while saving time and costs. Just a click away: - Share job postings on your website and on job portals around the world - Set up your environment quickly and easily - Receive and manage all your applications, including outsourcing

Détails de nCore HR
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Description du produit

nCore HR is a cloud-based Recruiting Automation Software that reduces the workload of professionals involved in recruiting functions by optimizing all repetitive tasks. Our goal is to give people more time back to invest in high value-added activities. We are an innovative company with a mission to contribute to the digital transformation of leading companies. nCore HR is a simple and straightforward tool that helps companies rethink their approach and enhance their recruiting processes: it creates a unique user experience for recruiters, managers, candidates and external actors such as headhunters or recruitment agencies. Our solution is built with remote screening capabilities supported by artificial intelligence and other innovative technologies, constantly evolving through our user-centered development process. Find the most suitable candidates while saving time and costs. Just a click away: - Share job postings on your website and on job portals around the world - Set up your environment quickly and easily - Receive and manage all your applications, including outsourcing

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nCore HR

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