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Meilleurs Services de transcription

Marina Schlosser
Recherché et rédigé par Marina Schlosser
Les fournisseurs de services de transcription produisent des transcriptions dactylographiées à partir d'enregistrements audio de réunions, d'entretiens, d'audiences et de la plupart des autres occasions. En général, les fournisseurs facturent à la minute audio et peuvent souvent terminer le travail en 24 heures ou moins. Les fournisseurs de services de transcription garantissent généralement un niveau de confidentialité et, dans certains cas, offrent des solutions conformes à la norme HIPAA. Les fournisseurs emploient souvent des transcripteurs aux antécédents variés, y compris ceux ayant une expérience judiciaire et médicale. Les entreprises qui nécessitent des transcriptions de réunions ou d'autres occasions peuvent bénéficier de la collaboration avec des fournisseurs de services de transcription. Un certain nombre de fournisseurs offrent des solutions de traduction ou des solutions d'interprétation, en plus des services de transcription.

G2 est fier de présenter des avis impartiaux sur la satisfaction des client dans nos évaluations et rapports. Nous n'autorisons pas les placements payés dans nos évaluations, classements ou rapports. Découvrez nos de notation.

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99 annonces dans Services de transcription disponibles

Fournisseur de services

(200)4.6 sur 5
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Description du fournisseur
Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

Nous aidons nos clients à créer des vidéos conformes, accessibles et engageantes, en offrant une gamme de services incluant le sous-titrage, le sous-titrage en direct, la description audio et la tradu

Prix de lancement :Nous contacter
Industries desservies
  • Higher Education
  • Education Management
Fournisseur travaillant avec
  • 38% Marché intermédiaire
  • 32% Entreprise
  • 31% Petite entreprise
Services offertsInformation
Aucune information disponible

Fournisseur de services

(60)4.5 sur 5
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Description du fournisseur
Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

Wordly fournit une traduction, un sous-titrage, une transcription et une interprétation en direct par IA lors de réunions et événements en personne, virtuels et hybrides. Traduisez les intervenants en

Prix de lancement :Nous contacter
Industries desservies
  • Events Services
  • Non-Profit Organization Management
Fournisseur travaillant avec
  • 57% Petite entreprise
  • 33% Marché intermédiaire
  • 7% Entreprise
Services offertsInformation
Aucune information disponible

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Fournisseur de services

(50)4.4 sur 5
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Description du fournisseur
Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

BLEND ( est un fournisseur de services de localisation mondiale créé par les créateurs de One Hour Translation - la plateforme de traduction à la demande fondée en 2008. En tant que faci

Industries desservies
Aucune information disponible
Fournisseur travaillant avec
  • 48% Petite entreprise
  • 30% Marché intermédiaire
  • 16% Entreprise
Services offertsInformation
  • localization
  • translation
  • subtitles

Fournisseur de services

(5)4.9 sur 5
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Description du fournisseur
Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

Type Studio est un éditeur vidéo basé sur le texte qui vous permet de modifier votre vidéo simplement en éditant le texte transcrit. Vous n'avez pas besoin de compétences en montage vidéo. C'est aussi

Prix de lancement :$0 user/month
Industries desservies
Aucune information disponible
Fournisseur travaillant avec
  • 100% Petite entreprise
Services offertsInformation
Aucune information disponible

Fournisseur de services

(4)5.0 sur 5
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Description du fournisseur
Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

Rythmex est un SaaS professionnel qui fournit un convertisseur audio en texte permettant à tout client de transcrire n'importe quel fichier audio puis de l'éditer au format .txt. Rythmex offre la poss

Industries desservies
Aucune information disponible
Fournisseur travaillant avec
  • 100% Petite entreprise
Services offertsInformation
Aucune information disponible

Fournisseur de services

(3)4.2 sur 5
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Description du fournisseur
Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

Speechpad fournit des services de sous-titrage vidéo, y compris des sous-titres et des sous-titres codés.

Industries desservies
Aucune information disponible
Fournisseur travaillant avec
  • 100% Marché intermédiaire
Services offertsInformation
Aucune information disponible

Fournisseur de services

(3)4.3 sur 5
Enregistrer dans Mes Listes
Industries desservies
Aucune information disponible
Fournisseur travaillant avec
  • 67% Marché intermédiaire
  • 33% Petite entreprise
Services offertsInformation
Aucune information disponible

Fournisseur de services

(3)4.5 sur 5
Enregistrer dans Mes Listes
Description du fournisseur
Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

TranscribeMe propose une gamme de produits de transcription lisibles par l'homme avec une grande précision à un coût minimal. En utilisant à la fois la dernière technologie de reconnaissance vocale pa

Industries desservies
Aucune information disponible
Fournisseur travaillant avec
  • 67% Petite entreprise
  • 33% Marché intermédiaire
Services offertsInformation
Aucune information disponible

Fournisseur de services

(10)3.5 sur 5
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Description du fournisseur
Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

Translated est un fournisseur de services linguistiques basé en Italie et aux États-Unis qui a été pionnier dans l'utilisation de l'intelligence artificielle pour soutenir les traducteurs professionne

Prix de lancement :Payer au fur et à mesure
  • Aperçu
    Développer/Réduire Aperçu
  • Industries desservies
    Aucune information disponible
    Fournisseur travaillant avec
    • 60% Petite entreprise
    • 30% Marché intermédiaire
    Services offertsInformation
    • localization
    • translation services
    • AI translation
  • Expertise Logicielle
    Développer/Réduire Expertise Logicielle
  • Produits les mieux notés correspondant à l'expertise TranslatedInformation
Industries desservies
Aucune information disponible
Fournisseur travaillant avec
  • 60% Petite entreprise
  • 30% Marché intermédiaire
Services offertsInformation
  • localization
  • translation services
  • AI translation
Produits les mieux notés correspondant à l'expertise TranslatedInformation

Fournisseur de services

(3)4.3 sur 5
Enregistrer dans Mes Listes
Description du fournisseur
Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

Youtube transcriptions pour le SEO en 3 minutes

Industries desservies
Aucune information disponible
Fournisseur travaillant avec
  • 100% Petite entreprise
Services offertsInformation
Aucune information disponible

Fournisseur de services

(151)4.8 sur 5
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Description du fournisseur
Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

Alconost est une entreprise de localisation certifiée ISO qui aide à traduire et à adapter des produits numériques et du contenu en plus de 120 langues pour les entreprises qui souhaitent se mondialis

20% de réduction
  • Aperçu
    Développer/Réduire Aperçu
  • Industries desservies
    • Computer Games
    • Computer Software
    Fournisseur travaillant avec
    • 74% Petite entreprise
    • 22% Marché intermédiaire
    • 3% Entreprise
    Services offertsInformation
    • Software Localization
    • Product Localization
    • MTPE
  • Expertise Logicielle
    Développer/Réduire Expertise Logicielle
  • Produits les mieux notés correspondant à l'expertise AlconostInformation
Industries desservies
  • Computer Games
  • Computer Software
Fournisseur travaillant avec
  • 74% Petite entreprise
  • 22% Marché intermédiaire
  • 3% Entreprise
Services offertsInformation
  • Software Localization
  • Product Localization
  • MTPE
Produits les mieux notés correspondant à l'expertise AlconostInformation

Fournisseur de services

(2)4.5 sur 5
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Description du fournisseur
Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

BuildBubbles est un outil pour aider les créateurs de contenu et les petites entreprises à réutiliser leur contenu en les convertissant en podcasts de haute qualité. Nous allons au-delà de la conversi

Industries desservies
Aucune information disponible
Fournisseur travaillant avec
  • 100% Petite entreprise
Services offertsInformation
Aucune information disponible

Fournisseur de services

(4)5.0 sur 5
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Description du fournisseur
Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

Multilingual Connections est une agence de traduction et de transcription qui soutient les organisations cherchant à comprendre, engager et développer leur audience multilingue. Nous sommes basés à Ev

Industries desservies
Aucune information disponible
Fournisseur travaillant avec
  • 50% Marché intermédiaire
  • 50% Petite entreprise
Services offertsInformation
Aucune information disponible

Fournisseur de services

(1)5.0 sur 5
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Description du fournisseur
Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

Alugha est une startup technologique allemande spécialisée dans l'accessibilité de vos vidéos à un public mondial. Nous vous fournissons une solution complète de traduction et de distribution de vidéo

Industries desservies
Aucune information disponible
Fournisseur travaillant avec
Aucune information disponible
Services offertsInformation
Aucune information disponible
Nous n'avons pas assez de données provenant d'avis pour partager qui utilise ce fournisseur. Écrire un avis pour contribuer, ou en savoir plus sur la génération d'avis.

Fournisseur de services

(1)5.0 sur 5
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Description du fournisseur
Cette description est fournie par le vendeur.

One Transcriber est le logiciel pour les transcriptions en temps réel de tout audio ou vidéo lu par le PC avec de nombreuses langues de transcription disponibles. Contrairement à tout autre outil, On

Prix de lancement :€24.99
Industries desservies
Aucune information disponible
Fournisseur travaillant avec
  • 100% Marché intermédiaire
Services offertsInformation
Aucune information disponible

Faits rapides sur Services de transcription

Le contenu ci-dessous est à jour au Juin, 2024
Summary of Reviews

Transcription Services Reviews Summary

There are 97 Transcription companies and professionals listed on G2. All of these service providers have been thoroughly reviewed by current and former clients and customers here on G2. Below are data and excerpts from 238 detailed reviews of Transcription service providers. These reviews and ratings have been generated from qualitative and quantitative feedback to help you compare and research the best service providers for your needs.

Below are the most popular Transcription service providers based on ratings and quantity of reviews:

Transcription Services Review Snippets

Below you will find answers to questions we ask to all G2 users about the most popular Transcription service providers. Use these responses to gain further insight into some of the most reviewed Transcription service providers on G2.
Questions Responses
Here is what users liked best about these popular Transcription service providers.
Alconost: "Price transparency, many languages, great speed of service, ability to add attachments for translators (image)"
- Beniamin P., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
3Play Media: "Price point Excellent customer service"
- Craig R., Video Producer and Online Course Developer at Berklee College of Music, Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
Transkriptor: "Możliwość transkryocji z plików wideo i audio. Podział na rozmówców."
- Tomasz K., Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
Here is what users disliked about these popular Transcription service providers.
Transkriptor: "I used this service as for only 3 to 4 files in one evening and was likely tricked into signing up for a renewing subscription where you are not given a notification or receipt of the monthly charges. The charges on my bank statement only refer to the city to which the company resides, which I and assumed was for some known service I have, and I didn't notice this for several months."
- Brian F., Arkitekt MSA / WELL AP / LEED Green Associate, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Translated: "It doesn't work very well with german and french"
- Camilla R., Addetto all'accoglienza presso Peugeot, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
This is what users recommend to others considering these popular Transcription service providers.
Alconost: "Ability to add Google docs an attachment"
- Beniamin P., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
3Play Media: "Use them! !!"
- Craig R., Video Producer and Online Course Developer at Berklee College of Music, Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
Transkriptor: "Warto spróbować wpierw bezpłatnej próbki transkrypcji. Po niej zdecydowałem się użyć tego softu."
- Tomasz K., Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
These are the problems users said these service providers were solving and how it is benefitting them.
Alconost: "Nitro solves the problem of long waiting for translations"
- Beniamin P., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
3Play Media: "Flawless transcriptions."
- James B., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Wordly AI-Powered Interpretation: "Providing critical technical product content to global conference attendees who do not speak English."
- Lisa B., Event Producer, Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Reviews by Industry

Transcription Reviews by Industry

There are currently 97 different Transcription companies and professionals reviewed on G2. Past users and clients of these Transcription service providers come from 10 different industries. This variety helps build reviews and provider data with information and details to help you determine which Transcription service provider might be a good fit for your business. The most common industries using Transcription service providers reviewed on G2 are Computer Games, Computer Software, Higher Education, Information Technology and Services, and Education Management.

Industry-Related FAQs for Transcription Service Providers

FAQs About Transcription Service Providers from Computer Games Professionals

What are the best Transcription service providers according to Computer Games industry professionals and based on the overall G2 rating scale?

The Transcription companies and professionals with the most reviews and rated highest by Computer Games professionals are 3Play Media (4.6 stars and 143 reviews) and Transkriptor (4.7 stars and 32 reviews).

What are the lowest-rated Transcription service providers according to Computer Games industry professionals and based on the overall G2 rating scale?

The lowest-rated Transcription service providers for people in the Computer Games industry are 3Play Media (4.6 stars).

Are there other more specific capabilities Transcription providers offer that are rated highly by those in the Computer Games industry?
  • Met Deadlines is a specific Delivery capability with an average 98% rating.
  • Resource Allocation is a specific Planning capability with an average 97% rating.
  • Best Practices is a specific Planning capability with an average 97% rating.

Transcription Service Provider FAQs from Computer Software Industry Professionals

What Transcription service providers do professionals from the Computer Software industry prefer?

The Transcription service providers with the most reviews that Computer Software professionals rate the highest are 3Play Media (4.6 stars and 143 reviews), Transkriptor (4.7 stars and 32 reviews), and Wordly AI-Powered Interpretation (4.4 stars and 20 reviews).

What Transcription companies do professionals from the Computer Software industry like the least based on the overall G2 rating scale?

The Transcription service providers Computer Software professionals rate the lowest are Take Note (4.3 stars), Wordly AI-Powered Interpretation (4.4 stars), and BLEND Localization (4.4 stars).

Are there any more specific capabilities offered by Transcription providers that people in the Computer Software industry love?
  • Met Deadlines is a specific Delivery capability with an average 97% rating
  • Technical Expertise is a specific Delivery capability with an average 95% rating
  • Best Practices is a specific Planning capability with an average 94% rating

Transcription Company FAQs from Higher Education Industry Professionals

What are the best Transcription service providers according to experts from the Higher Education industry?

The Transcription service providers with the most reviews that Higher Education professionals rate the highest are 3Play Media (4.6 stars and 143 reviews) and Transkriptor (4.7 stars and 32 reviews).

Which Transcription providers do Higher Education industry experts like the least?

3Play Media (4.6 stars) and Transkriptor (4.7 stars) are the lowest-rated Transcription service providers for Higher Education.

Which specific Transcription provider capabilities are rated highest by Higher Education industry professionals?
  • Met Deadlines is a specific Delivery feature with an average rating of 95%.

  • Technical Expertise is a specific Delivery feature with an average rating of 93%.

  • Statement of Work is a specific Planning feature with an average rating of 92%.
Reviews by Market Segment

Transcription Service Provider Reviews by Market Segment

On G2, Transcription service providers have been reviewed by professionals from businesses of varying sizes. Whether from a small business, a mid-market company, or an enterprise corporation, each reviewer has their own distinct set of experiences and requirements with the 97 Transcription companies here on G2. 59.1% of Transcription company and provider reviews on G2 are from users working in small businesses, 26.4% of users are from mid-market companies, and 14.5% work at enterprise companies.

Market segments on G2 are broken down based on employee count as follows:

See how professionals from different market segments rate Transcription businesses and their services below.

Transcription FAQs by Market Segment

Transcription Service Provider FAQs from Enterprise Companies

What are the highest rated Transcription service providers for enterprise companies, based on the overall G2 rating scale?

The Transcription service providers rated the highest by enterprise companies are 3Play Media (4.6 stars and 143 reviews), Transkriptor (4.7 stars and 32 reviews), and Wordly AI-Powered Interpretation (4.4 stars and 20 reviews).

What are the lowest rated Transcription service providers for professionals at enterprise companies, based on the overall G2 rating scale?

The lowest rated Transcription service providers on G2 are Wordly AI-Powered Interpretation (4.4 stars), BLEND Localization (4.4 stars), and 3Play Media (4.6 stars).

What are some more specific Transcription capabilities that are rated highest by professionals in enterprise companies?
  • Met Deadlines is a specific Delivery capability with an average rating of 95%.
  • Technical Expertise is a specific Delivery capability with an average rating of 93%.
  • Statement of Work is a specific Planning capability with an average rating of 92%.

Transcription Service Provider FAQs from Mid-Market Professionals

What are the top Transcription service providers according to professionals at mid-market companies, based on the overall G2 rating scale?

Transcription service provider users at mid-market companies rate 3Play Media (4.6 stars and 143 reviews), Transkriptor (4.7 stars and 32 reviews), and Wordly AI-Powered Interpretation (4.4 stars and 20 reviews) as the top Transcription companies on the market.

Which Transcription providers are not well-rated by reviewers from mid-market companies, based on the overall G2 rating scale?

Translated (3.7 stars), Speechpad (4.2 stars), and Take Note (4.3 stars) are the lowest rated Transcription businesses according to mid-market company professionals on G2.

What are some more detailed Transcription service capabilities that people at mid-market companies rate highly?
  • Met Deadlines is a specific Delivery service with an average rating of 95%.
  • Technical Expertise is a specific Delivery service with an average rating of 93%.
  • Statement of Work is a specific Planning service with an average rating of 92%.

Transcription Service Provider FAQs from Small Business Professionals

What are the top Transcription service providers for small businesses?

Users from small businesses rate the following as the best Transcription service providers: 3Play Media (4.6 stars and 143 reviews), Transkriptor (4.7 stars and 32 reviews), and Wordly AI-Powered Interpretation (4.4 stars and 20 reviews).

What Transcription service providers for small businesses are rated lowest?

For small business owners and professionals, the lowest rated Transcription service providers are Translated (3.7 stars), VidScribe AI (4 stars), and Take Note (4.3 stars).

Are there any particular Transcription capabilities that small business professionals rate highly?
  • Met Deadlines is a Delivery capability rated an average of 96%.
  • Technical Expertise is a Delivery capability rated an average of 94%.
  • Best Practices is a Planning capability rated an average of 93%.

Review Snippets of Transcription Service Providers from Small Business Professionals

See what 188 small business owners, employees, and other users have to say about the 97 Transcription service providers reviewed on G2. Compare reviews and product information to find the best Transcription company for your small business.

What Small Business Professionals Liked What Small Business Professionals Disliked
Alconost: Price transparency, many languages, great speed of service, ability to add attachments for translators (image)
- Beniamin P., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Transkriptor: I used this service as for only 3 to 4 files in one evening and was likely tricked into signing up for a renewing subscription where you are not given a notification or receipt of the monthly charges. The charges on my bank statement only refer to the city to which the company resides, which I and assumed was for some known service I have, and I didn't notice this for several months.
- Brian F., Arkitekt MSA / WELL AP / LEED Green Associate, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
3Play Media: The ease of use. It is great that we can plug and play.
- Adriane L., Human Resources Professional, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Translated: It doesn't work very well with german and french
- Camilla R., Addetto all'accoglienza presso Peugeot, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Reviews by Features

Transcription Company Reviews by Featured Services

97 Transcription companies on G2 offer different services, all of which contribute to the client and customer experience of these service providers. These professional services and capabilities are individually rated and critiqued throughout the 1,634 reviews created by G2 users. These scores and detailed feedback can help you determine if a particular Transcription company has the expertise that will be best for your business.

Transcription service providers reviewed on G2 have a variety of capabilities and offerings. Below we’ve listed the highest-rated capabilities of Transcription service providers along with some of the core attributes that help make these capabilities some of the most valuable:

  • Delivery (91% avg. rating)
    • Met Deadlines (95% avg. rating)
    • Technical Expertise (93% avg. rating)
    • Roll-out (90% avg. rating)
  • Planning (90% avg. rating)
    • Statement of Work (92% avg. rating)
    • Best Practices (91% avg. rating)
    • Resource Allocation (89% avg. rating)
  • Team Quality (89% avg. rating)
    • Change Management Skills (90% avg. rating)
    • Vertical Expertise (89% avg. rating)
    • Technology Partnerships (89% avg. rating)

To help you find the Transcription service provider that meets your business needs, below you will find answers to frequently asked questions about the best Transcription companies that have the services mentioned above.

What are the best Transcription providers offering Delivery?
What are the best Transcription providers offering Planning?
Which Transcription service providers are the best rated based on Team Quality capabilities?
What specific Transcription provider capabilities have been reviewed most on G2?
  • Met Deadlines - 241 G2 Reviews
  • Technical Expertise - 231 G2 Reviews
  • Best Practices - 200 G2 Reviews
  • Resource Allocation - 157 G2 Reviews
  • Technology Partnerships - 152 G2 Reviews
Learn more about the various Transcription services and capabilities that G2 reviewers like best and least for the top-rated Transcription companies.
Provider Highest Rated Provider Capabilities Lowest Rated Provider Capabilities
Alconost Here are the provider capabilities users love the most about Alconost:
  • Delivery
  • Planning
Here are the provider capabilities users love the least about Alconost:
  • Generative AI
  • Team Quality
Transkriptor Here are the provider capabilities users love the most about Transkriptor:
  • Planning
  • Delivery
Here are the provider capabilities users love the least about Transkriptor:
  • Team Quality
3Play Media Here are the provider capabilities users love the most about 3Play Media:
  • Delivery
  • Planning
Here are the provider capabilities users love the least about 3Play Media:
  • Team Quality
BLEND Localization Here are the provider capabilities users love the most about BLEND Localization:
  • Team Quality
  • Delivery
Here are the provider capabilities users love the least about BLEND Localization:
  • Generative AI
  • Planning