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Resumen de precios de WOW24-7

WOW24-7 de un vistazo

Wow24-7 provides multiple pricing options, including bundled plans and pricing options based on the number of monthly customer requests, selected communication channels, coverage hours and languages required

Shared Bundles
Your project is managed by an acting, trained & experienced team of 5‑6 agents working 24/7 in rotating shifts on 2-5 projects simultaneously.

The optimal solution for:
- companies with a small and average number of customer requests (especially after-hours)
- as a first response and triage service for level 1 technical and customer support.

Dedicated Bundles
Your project is managed by a dedicated agent, or a team, that works exclusively on your company project. Any language, any schedule, any project complexity.

The optimal solution for:
- companies with an average and large number of customer requests
- as a level 1 & 2 for technical and customer support when in-depth and specific knowledge of the product is needed.

Whichever option you choose, you get a Comprehensive Solution, Incl.:
✓ Fast & Flexible Onboarding
✓ Selection and Recruitment
✓ Team Training
✓ Quality Assurance
✓ Monthly Reporting
✓ Business Process Impovements Recommendations

WOW24-7 no ha proporcionado información de precios para este producto o servicio. Esta es una práctica común para vendedores de software y proveedores de servicios. Contacta a WOW24-7 para obtener los precios actuales.

Precios y planes de WOW24-7

La información de precios para WOW24-7 es proporcionada por el proveedor de software o recuperada de materiales de precios de acceso público. Las negociaciones finales de costos para comprar WOW24-7 deben realizarse con el vendedor.

Wow24-7 provides multiple pricing options, including bundled plans and pricing options based on the number of monthly customer requests, selected communication channels, coverage hours and languages required

1. Shared Bundles
Your project is managed by an acting, trained & experienced team of 5‑6 agents working 24/7 in rotating shifts on 2-5 projects simultaneously.

The optimal solution for:
- companies with a small and average number of customer requests (especially after-hours)
- as a first response and triage service for level 1 technical and customer support.

2. Dedicated Bundles
Your project is managed by a dedicated agent, or a team, that works exclusively on your company project. Any language, any schedule, any project complexity.

The optimal solution for:
- companies with an average and large number of customer requests
- as a level 1 & 2 for technical and customer support when in-depth and specific knowledge of the product is needed.

Whichever option you choose, you get a Comprehensive Solution, Incl.:
✓ Fast & Flexible Onboarding
✓ Selection and Recruitment
✓ Team Training
✓ Quality Assurance
✓ Monthly Reporting
✓ Business Process Improvements Recommendations

WOW24-7’s Guarantees:
1) Data Privacy & Security - We keep all data safe & secure by following strict guidelines GDPR, ISO27001, ISO9001, and PCI DSS (coming soon).
2) No one-year contract requirement - A long-term partnership is built by providing excellent service. That’s why our agreement can be cancelled anytime with short notice.
3) Get a service, pay after - From the first month in service you will be invoiced after the services are provided.
4) Quality System - We control the quality of communications and ensure compliance with the indicators specified in the SLA.

La información de precios se actualizó por última vez en April 12, 2023

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Varios precios y planes de alternativas

La información de precios para las diversas alternativas de WOW24-7 anteriores es proporcionada por el proveedor de software respectivo o recuperada de materiales de precios de acceso público. Las negociaciones finales de costos para comprar cualquiera de estos productos deben realizarse con el vendedor.

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