Resumen de precios de Wooqer
Wooqer de un vistazo
Wooqer's pricing is based on the number of Producers, Reviewers and Frontline staff (users) you have across your store / restaurant network. We offer plans for small to mid-sized brands, with just the right amount of cloud storage and features that will help you streamline operations. Our enterprise plan comes with powerful features and unlimited cloud storage for that extra boost when compliance, audits and SOP implementation are more complex.
Precios y planes de Wooqer
Wooqer's pricing is based on the number of Producers, Reviewers and Frontline staff (users) you have across your store / restaurant network. We offer plans for small to mid-sized brands, with just the right amount of cloud storage and features that will help you streamline operations. Our enterprise plan comes with powerful features and unlimited cloud storage for that extra boost when compliance, audits and SOP implementation are more complex.
La información de precios se actualizó por última vez en May 29, 2024Alternativas de Wooqer Mejor Valoradas
Precios de alternativas de Wooqer
A continuación se muestra una descripción general rápida de las ediciones ofrecidas por otros Software de gestión minorista
![]() Enterprise | Contáctanos1 Users Por mes |
![]() Monthly Fee | Gratis | El software Square Point of Sale es gratuito—no hay tarifas de instalación ni tarifas mensuales. Solo paga cuando recibes un pago.
![]() Basic Plan | Gratis1 Per User Por mes | Gratis para siempre. Para equipos pequeños que necesitan digitalizar y rastrear órdenes de trabajo.
Varios precios y planes de alternativas