Resumen de precios de Triark
Triark de un vistazo
Our pricing model is built around flexibility and transparency, making it easy to scale as your team grows.
You start by choosing a plan—Standard, Professional, or Custom—then select the number of users you need.
As you increase your user count, the per-user price goes down, ensuring you benefit from economies of scale.
This structure is designed to encourage growth within the platform, with the cost per user becoming more affordable as your team expands.
In addition, the Professional plan includes up to 50 read-only users at no extra charge, allowing larger teams to have more stakeholders involved without incurring significant additional costs.
The end result is a pricing approach that remains simple, predictable, and cost-effective, even as your organization’s needs evolve.
Nombre | Precio | Características |
Standard | $16.001 Users Por mes |
Professional | $20.001 Users Por mes |
Precios y planes de Triark
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Precios de alternativas de Triark
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