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Resumen de precios de LBMC Technology Solutions

LBMC Technology Solutions de un vistazo

Who We Are

Here at LBMC, we are known for our ability to listen carefully, present the most cost effective and appropriate technical solution, and to follow through with precision. Beyond that, our company values persistence, loyalty, and quality of service. We are problem solvers. We are business people. And we are technical consultants. We are LBMC Technology Solutions.

The LBMC Difference

While we use and deploy sophisticated technology solutions, we also take a down-to-earth approach and have a little fun, too. You could just say that we are geeks with personality. For 20 years, clients have come to LBMC Technology Solutions because of our integrity, depth and breadth of knowledge, and commitment to partner with our clients.

We use our experience as business people and technology experts, coupled with the latest innovations, to provide customized solutions that work the way your business works. Put simply, we help you do better business by overcoming obstacles that prevent you from accomplishing your day-to-day responsibilities. Whether a project is large or small, we treat each one as an opportunity to earn your trust in order to build a relationship.

Our Service Areas

As one of the few full-service, turn-key, technology consulting firms in the country, LBMC Technology Solutions is uniquely positioned to provide all your high-tech needs.

Our service areas include:

Network Engineering/Administration
Cloud Computing
Remote Managed Services/IT Help Desk
Business Software: ERP/Financial, CRM, and ECM Solutions
Custom Software Development
Business Intelligence
Our Expertise

At LBMC Technology Solutions, we have teams of certified consultants in every area of our business to assist you. We are a Microsoft Gold ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) partner and a Silver CRM (Customer Resource Management), O365, and Server Platform partner, as well as a member of the Microsoft Presidents Club. We are an Intacct Premier Partner and multi-year recipient of the President’s Club designation. And we are a Hyland Silver and Diamond Support partner.

With offices in Nashville, Knoxville, and Chattanooga, Tennessee, we service clients throughout the state and the Southeast, as well as nationally.

The Bottom Line

A comprehensive assessment of requirements, a strategic plan of action, seamless implementation, and responsive support ensure our clients do better business with the technology solutions we implement. Let LBMC Technology Solutions help you build the business you envision.

LBMC Technology Solutions no ha proporcionado información de precios para este producto o servicio. Esta es una práctica común para vendedores de software y proveedores de servicios. Contacta a LBMC Technology Solutions para obtener los precios actuales.

Precios y planes de LBMC Technology Solutions

La información de precios para LBMC Technology Solutions es proporcionada por el proveedor de software o recuperada de materiales de precios de acceso público. Las negociaciones finales de costos para comprar LBMC Technology Solutions deben realizarse con el vendedor.
La información de precios se actualizó por última vez en March 27, 2017

Alternativas de LBMC Technology Solutions Mejor Valoradas

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Varios precios y planes de alternativas

La información de precios para las diversas alternativas de LBMC Technology Solutions anteriores es proporcionada por el proveedor de software respectivo o recuperada de materiales de precios de acceso público. Las negociaciones finales de costos para comprar cualquiera de estos productos deben realizarse con el vendedor.

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