Resumen de precios de ContraForce Security Service Delivery Platform
ContraForce Security Service Delivery Platform de un vistazo
Pricing for both ContraForce Spark and ContraForce Storm is based on the number of client users. For both Spark and Storm, Managed EDR and Managed SIEM are priced separately. Price per user decreases as the number of users under management increases.
Additional pricing models are available for MSSPs with mature security service practices.
Precios y planes de ContraForce Security Service Delivery Platform
Alternativas de ContraForce Security Service Delivery Platform Mejor Valoradas
Precios de alternativas de ContraForce Security Service Delivery Platform
A continuación se muestra una descripción general rápida de las ediciones ofrecidas por otros Software de Detección y Respuesta Gestionada (MDR)
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![]() ESET PROTECT Advanced | Contáctanos | Protección de endpoint de primera clase contra ransomware y amenazas de día cero. Solución multiplataforma con gestión en la nube o en las instalaciones fácil de usar, seguridad del servidor, defensa avanzada contra amenazas y cifrado completo de disco.
![]() Managed EDR | Prueba gratuita | Huntress Managed EDR está tanto construido como gestionado por nuestro equipo, con detección y respuesta 24/7 de nuestro SOC liderado por humanos. Nuestros expertos en ciberseguridad investigan actividades sospechosas en su entorno para eliminar falsos positivos y detener a los atacantes antes de que causen algún daño.
Varios precios y planes de alternativas
Reseñas de precios de ContraForce Security Service Delivery Platform
It is a centralized alerting and monitoring system, specially if you have multiple clients and as an MSSP provider.
It can also cater several Security solutions integration into Contraforce. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
It has limited information or lacking details such as: alert/incident details, no actual logs, for email alerts the IP Source and related email entities were not provided and there's really nothing much we can do on the tool. In the end, we are still relying with our current XDR.
Contraforce doesn't have real-time logs generating tool/view/access which is very crucial and a must have to any incident and response tools. We understand that this product might still be in development and cheaper than the leading XDRs / SIEM tool but it must have at least the basic qualities that an XDR / SIEM tool should have. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en