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Resumen de precios de Constellix

Constellix de un vistazo

DNS Pricing
Only Pay for What you Use

With transparent DNS pricing, we offer the fastest, most secure, and outage-resistant DNS in the industry. Talk to an expert to create a custom edge DNS environment built for your organization.
Since our services are billed on a pay-per-usage model, you will need to have a general idea of your query usage and number of domains in order to get an accurate pricing estimate.

Managed DNS Pricing
1 2-25 >25
Standard Domains $5.00 $0.50 $0.095

1 2-100 >100
GTD Enabled Domains
In addition to regular domain pricing $5.00 $1.00 $0.10

Query Pricing
0 - 1 Billion > 1 Billion
Queries $0.395 per million $0.195 per million
IP Filter Queries $0.70 per million $0.35 per million
GeoProximity Queries $0.60 per million $0.30 per million
ANAME Queries $0.395 per million $0.195 per million

Real Time Traffic Anomaly Detection Pricing
Anomaly Detection costs are based on the amount of processing (used by the CPU) to analyze your traffic. Each machine learning fit is roughly $0.034. All pricing mentioned is starting price and can go lower based on volume account pricing. Pricing is based on calculated 30.5 days per month.
Number of Fits Cost per Month
World Aggregation 1,464 $49.25
Region Aggregation 10,248 $344.82
POP / City Aggregation 29,280 $985.19

Sonar Performance Monitoring Pricing
Health & Latency Checks
Monitoring checks are priced based on how often they are run. When you are making your calculations, keep in mind that you will need to multiply the cost of the check by how often it will be used in a month, times how many monitoring locations you applied to the check. See the pricing example for more details.

Premium DNS Support Pricing
Standard phone support hours (M-F 6am-9pm ET). If you require more assistance, you can upgrade to a premium support package for a monthly cost.

Constellix no ha proporcionado información de precios para este producto o servicio. Esta es una práctica común para vendedores de software y proveedores de servicios. Contacta a Constellix para obtener los precios actuales.

Precios y planes de Constellix

Prueba gratuita disponible
La información de precios para Constellix es proporcionada por el proveedor de software o recuperada de materiales de precios de acceso público. Las negociaciones finales de costos para comprar Constellix deben realizarse con el vendedor.

Managed DNS Pricing
1 2-25 >25
Standard Domains $5.00 $0.50 $0.095

1 2-100 >100
GTD Enabled Domains
In addition to regular domain pricing $5.00 $1.00 $0.10

Query Pricing
0 - 1 Billion > 1 Billion
Queries $0.395 per million $0.195 per million
IP Filter Queries $0.70 per million $0.35 per million
GeoProximity Queries $0.60 per million $0.30 per million
ANAME Queries $0.395 per million $0.195 per million

Real Time Traffic Anomaly Detection Pricing
Anomaly Detection costs are based on the amount of processing (used by the CPU) to analyze your traffic. Each machine learning fit is roughly $0.034. All pricing mentioned is starting price and can go lower based on volume account pricing. Pricing is based on calculated 30.5 days per month.
Number of Fits Cost per Month
World Aggregation 1,464 $49.25
Region Aggregation 10,248 $344.82
POP / City Aggregation 29,280 $985.19

Sonar Performance Monitoring Pricing
Health & Latency Checks
Monitoring checks are priced based on how often they are run. When you are making your calculations, keep in mind that you will need to multiply the cost of the check by how often it will be used in a month, times how many monitoring locations you applied to the check. See the pricing example for more details.

Premium DNS Support Pricing
Standard phone support hours (M-F 6am-9pm ET). If you require more assistance, you can upgrade to a premium support package for a monthly cost.

* The prices above are exclusive of applicable taxes, fees, or similar governmental charges (if any exist) except as otherwise noted.

La información de precios se actualizó por última vez en September 13, 2021

Alternativas de Constellix Mejor Valoradas

Precios de alternativas de Constellix

A continuación se muestra una descripción general rápida de las ediciones ofrecidas por otros Proveedores de DNS gestionados

1 licencia de sitio.
  • Todos los plugins pro de WPMU DEV
  • 5GB CDN
  • 5GB de almacenamiento de respaldo
  • Soporte en vivo de expertos WP 24/7
GratisPor mes
Para proyectos personales o de hobby que no son críticos para el negocio. Este paquete incluye:
  • DNS rápido y fácil de usar
  • Protección DDoS sin límites
  • CDN
  • Certificado SSL universal
  • Conjunto de reglas gestionadas gratuito
0Forever Free Plan.
Bueno para principiantes.
  • 4 Servidores DNS Unicast
  • 1 Zona DNS
  • 50 Registros DNS
  • 500K consultas DNS por mes
  • 1 Reenvío de Correo

Varios precios y planes de alternativas

Prueba gratuita disponible
La información de precios para las diversas alternativas de Constellix anteriores es proporcionada por el proveedor de software respectivo o recuperada de materiales de precios de acceso público. Las negociaciones finales de costos para comprar cualquiera de estos productos deben realizarse con el vendedor.

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