Resumen de precios de Abara LMS
Abara LMS de un vistazo
We offer an Active User and a Registered user Model.
LMS PRICING OPTION 1 - ACTIVE USERS PRICING MODEL An Active User is any learner or user who logs into the system within a 30-day period in a month. The cost per month per Additional Users above the Active User Plan will be billed monthly and a report will be submitted to the client.
LMS PRICING OPTION 2 - REGISTERED USER PRICING MODEL A Registered user is any learner or user who has been registered in the system. There are no additional charges per registered users exceeding the plan. The Client will have to upgrade from one plan to a higher plan or delete older users and re-use the license.
Precios y planes de Abara LMS
We have a pricing plan to suit all budgets. You can contact us as well!
La información de precios se actualizó por última vez en March 10, 2021Alternativas de Abara LMS Mejor Valoradas
Precios de alternativas de Abara LMS
A continuación se muestra una descripción general rápida de las ediciones ofrecidas por otros Sistemas de Gestión del Aprendizaje Corporativo
![]() Free | $0.00 |
![]() Request a Quote | Contáctanos | Transforma tu formación con un LMS diseñado para impulsar el aprendizaje y el ROI.
![]() Small | $249.00Por mes | (1-25 empleados)
*Cuando se factura anualmente
Varios precios y planes de alternativas