Al evaluar las dos soluciones, los revisores encontraron que Qualtrics Strategy & Research (formerly CoreXM) es más fácil de usar. Sin embargo, quantilope es más fácil de configurar y administrar. Además, prefirieron hacer negocios en general con quantilope.
Qualtrics es una herramienta poderosa y versátil que va mucho más allá de una solución de encuesta normal. La excelente documentación en línea y el soporte rápido, amigable y completo proporcionado por el equipo de Qualtrics permiten a los usuarios novatos...
It was very difficult to manage recruitment and panel distribution within Qualtrics. The implementation was very clunky, and I had to use outside means to fully accomplish this job.
Quantilope is very data-focused, which is great for Insights professionals. We're always looking for compelling data points to back up what we know about our consumers.
The data analysis tools are impractical for my team's needs. Filtering data to see graphs within the quantilope platform is not intuitive and sometimes not possible depending on my needs, so I end up exporting the raw data to excel and working with that...
Qualtrics es una herramienta poderosa y versátil que va mucho más allá de una solución de encuesta normal. La excelente documentación en línea y el soporte rápido, amigable y completo proporcionado por el equipo de Qualtrics permiten a los usuarios novatos...
Quantilope is very data-focused, which is great for Insights professionals. We're always looking for compelling data points to back up what we know about our consumers.
It was very difficult to manage recruitment and panel distribution within Qualtrics. The implementation was very clunky, and I had to use outside means to fully accomplish this job.
The data analysis tools are impractical for my team's needs. Filtering data to see graphs within the quantilope platform is not intuitive and sometimes not possible depending on my needs, so I end up exporting the raw data to excel and working with that...