Al evaluar las dos soluciones, los revisores encontraron que Learning Pool - Platform es más fácil de usar, configurar y administrar. También prefirieron hacer negocios con Learning Pool - Platform en general.
Facilidad de uso, interfaz moderna y servicio al cliente son insuperables para un producto y servicio excepcionales. Llamo a Cornerstone el de los LMS.
Es una interfaz de usuario muy difícil de gestionar (desde una perspectiva de administrador). La mayoría de las cosas (incluidas tareas simples) requieren muchos pasos y pantallas con campos confusos con muy poca información sobre lo que se requiere....
Since we first started working with Learning Pool, I have liked the way that it has teams available to help set up new products once we have been access to them. For example, when we first worked with Adapt, Stream and Learning Locker we had a dedicated...
New course formats have responsiveness and accessibility issues, as well as bugs. Learning Pool doesn't seem to prioritise accessibility. Support has an inflexible ticket system and doesn't allow you to quickly show issues on a shared screen.
Facilidad de uso, interfaz moderna y servicio al cliente son insuperables para un producto y servicio excepcionales. Llamo a Cornerstone el de los LMS.
Since we first started working with Learning Pool, I have liked the way that it has teams available to help set up new products once we have been access to them. For example, when we first worked with Adapt, Stream and Learning Locker we had a dedicated...
Es una interfaz de usuario muy difícil de gestionar (desde una perspectiva de administrador). La mayoría de las cosas (incluidas tareas simples) requieren muchos pasos y pantallas con campos confusos con muy poca información sobre lo que se requiere....
New course formats have responsiveness and accessibility issues, as well as bugs. Learning Pool doesn't seem to prioritise accessibility. Support has an inflexible ticket system and doesn't allow you to quickly show issues on a shared screen.