My company is in the middle of a hiring spree and I have been tasked to evaluate the recruitment performance. Could anyone let me know how this might help me to make my life easier?
Quantcast Measure provides free, accurate and dependable audience insights for over 100 million web and mobile destinations. With detailed demographic, geographic and lifestyle information, Quantcast Measure gives you the best understanding of your online, mobile web and mobile app audiences.... Mehr erfahren
How does the included GoodData reporting account work?
+Can you connect GoodData to SalesForce?
+Other Databases?
+Do you have to purchase a premium account for certain reports/dashboards?
What tool do you use to get an accurate engagement rate? I was looking into a few tools out there and noticed that they calculate engagement rate based on a few assumptions and miscalculations (click here for more info:
Mehr erfahren
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