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ToolWatch Preise & Pläne

Preisinformationen für ToolWatch werden vom Softwareanbieter bereitgestellt oder aus öffentlich zugänglichen Preisunterlagen abgerufen. Endgültige Kostenverhandlungen zum Kauf von ToolWatch müssen mit dem Verkäufer geführt werden.
Preisinformationen wurden zuletzt am February 15, 2024 aktualisiert

ToolWatch Preisbewertungen

Verifizierter Benutzer in Construction
Unternehmen mittlerer Größe(51-1000 Mitarbeiter)
Weitere Optionen
Bestätigter Bewerter
Verifizierter aktueller Benutzer
Bewertungsquelle: Organisch
Was gefällt dir am besten ToolWatch?

It brings light to items and where they are, makes charging out consumables pulled from stock easy and seemless. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? ToolWatch?

SO many things!!! For starters, they make this software anti user-friendly unless you are willing to pay an astronomical price!! Secondly the software barely functions half the time, leading to excessive down time, delayed projects, missing tools, inacurate counts due to not being able to enter them in real time because the software has different bugs and glitches. They dont even attempt to make changes to make things more user friendly. Unless you have the highest teir and pay them, you will have alot of troubles navigating their software, limited reports and such. My biggest issue, when and if you make a mistake on a transfer, you cant edit it, you cant delete it. You have to go in and manually adjust your inventory for each individual item and then make an entire new transfer. So now, your reports will look off, and you wasted 4 hours doing something that this company could EASILY change, by making admins able to edit things. Ive mentioned this issue to them multiple times but nothing has changed and they think that method they provided me is easy. I can not WAIT to find a different WMS to assist us. There has got to be better options out there. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Was ist ein Problem? ToolWatch Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

The only problem this software solves, is tracking of tools and charge out reports. Other than that this software is useless. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf G2.com gehostet.

Antwort von Meg Zolnierowicz aus ToolWatch

Thank you for taking the time to share your experience. We're glad to hear that our system helps with visibility into items and simplifies charging out consumables.

That said, we take your concerns seriously and appreciate the detailed feedback. We understand how important it is for software to be intuitive, reliable, and adaptable to your needs. Our team is continuously working on improvements, and user feedback like yours plays a key role in shaping updates and enhancements.

If you're open to it, shoot me a note at Meg.zolnierowicz@alignops.com and I’ll loop in our support team to see how we can help. We want to ensure our product meets your needs and would love the opportunity to address your concerns.

Thanks again for your candid feedback—we’re committed to making improvements and delivering the best experience possible.

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