Scrivito Preisübersicht
Scrivito im Überblick
Test Scrivito free for 30 days. Use a free Developer plan for non-commercial use.
Name | Preis | Funktionen | |
Business Plans | Developer | Kostenlose Testversion | - Nur für nicht-kommerzielle Nutzung
- Unternehmensfunktionen inklusive!
- Melden Sie sich für eine kostenlose Testversion an und lassen Sie es in einen Entwicklerplan umwandeln.
Business Plans | BUSINESS | Beginnend bei €1,999.00Pro Monat | € 0,10 pro Inhaltsobjekt
€ 99 pro aktivem Redakteur
250 GB Datenübertragung inklusive
Business Plans | ENTERPRISE | Kontaktieren Sie uns | Individuell angepasster Plan
Benutzerberechtigungen und -rollen
Externe Editor-Benutzerverwaltung / SSO
Scrivito Preise & Pläne
Is hosting included?
Yes. We teamed up with our friends from Netlify to automatically deploy your Scrivito JavaScript website to a global network of intelligent CDN nodes. Also, you can manage your domains and DNS, set up SSL (HTTPS) with one click, and pre-render your site for SEO and sharing links on social networks.
In short: Netlify was built for serverless JAMstack websites like Scrivito.
For enterprise plan customers we offer individual solutions using other CDN providers.
What is a content object?
Every unique piece of content (with the exception of widgets) is a CMS content object, e.g. a page, an image, video, PDF document, etc. As a general rule of thumb: Anything that is accessible via a URL is an object.
So if you have 100 web pages with one image on each page, you’ll have 200 objects. Add 20 videos, you’ll have 220 objects. Add 30 PDF’s, you’ll have 250 objects. Easy.
By the way, we don’t care how many widgets you are using. It’s only about objects.
How many domains/sites can I deploy?
As many as you want. Scrivito only cares about the number of objects – it’s up to you on how many domains your website will actually be available. With the Enterprise plan you can manage an unlimited number of websites within a Scrivito instance.
How can I obtain the Developer plan?
To obtain the Developer plan, please first sign up for a free 30 day trial, then contact us to have it turned into a Developer plan.
What is an active editor?
Editors count as active editors for the current month as soon as they log in at least once during a calendar month.
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![]() Community | Kostenlos | Für Entwickler, Freiberufler und kleine Unternehmen.
![]() Free forever | Kostenlos | Für Einzelpersonen, die kleinere Projekte ausprobieren oder versenden.
![]() Umbraco CMS | Beginnend bei $0.00Pro Monat | Dies ist die eigenständige Version des benutzerfreundlichen Umbraco CMS. Es bietet Ihnen alle leistungsstarken Funktionen und die Flexibilität, die Sie benötigen, um großartige Websites zu erstellen. Es gibt auch zwei kostenpflichtige Stufen, die Support und Zusatzprodukte enthalten.
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