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GoDaddy Online Store Preisübersicht

GoDaddy Online Store hat 4 Preisversionen, von $10 bis $25. Schauen Sie sich unten verschiedene Preisversionen an und sehen Sie, welche Version und Funktionen Ihrem Budget und Ihren Anforderungen entsprechen.
$20.000 NA MONTH
Bei jährlicher Abrechnung.
  • NA
$25.000 NA MONTH
Bei jährlicher Abrechnung.
  • NA
$15.000 NA MONTH
Bei jährlicher Abrechnung.
  • NA
$10.000 NA MONTH
Bei jährlicher Abrechnung.
  • NA
Ein Paket ist eine Klassifizierung von Plänen. Pakete können Zielgruppen oder spezifische Planstufen kennzeichnen. Suchen Sie nach einem Tag mit diesem Stil, um zu sehen, zu welchem Paket Ihr bevorzugter Plan gehört.

GoDaddy Online Store Preise & Pläne

Preisinformationen für GoDaddy Online Store werden vom Softwareanbieter bereitgestellt oder aus öffentlich zugänglichen Preisunterlagen abgerufen. Endgültige Kostenverhandlungen zum Kauf von GoDaddy Online Store müssen mit dem Verkäufer geführt werden.
Preisinformationen wurden zuletzt am October 09, 2024 aktualisiert

Top-bewertete GoDaddy Online Store Alternativen

GoDaddy Online Store Alternativen Preise

Folgendes ist ein schneller Überblick über die von anderen angebotenen EditionenE-Commerce-Plattformen

Alles, was Sie für eine hochwertige Website benötigen. Erstellen Sie unbegrenzt viele Seiten und hosten Sie Ihre Website kostenlos.
  • Drag & Drop-Builder
  • Kostenloses Hosting
  • Unbegrenzte Seiten
  • Speicherlimit 500 MB
  • Chat- und E-Mail-Support
Kostenloser Immer-Plan
  • 5 Produkte
  • Mobil optimiert
  • Gleichzeitig auf mehreren Websites verkaufen
$29/ per month

    Verschiedene Alternativen Preise & Pläne

    Preisinformationen für die verschiedenen GoDaddy Online Store Alternativen werden vom jeweiligen Softwareanbieter bereitgestellt oder aus öffentlich zugänglichen Preisunterlagen abgerufen. Endgültige Kostenverhandlungen zum Kauf eines dieser Produkte müssen mit dem Verkäufer geführt werden.

    GoDaddy Online Store Preisbewertungen

    Verifizierter Benutzer in Retail
    Kleinunternehmen(50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
    Weitere Optionen
    Bestätigter Bewerter
    Verifizierter aktueller Benutzer
    Bewertungsquelle: Organisch
    (Ursprünglich )Informationen
    Was gefällt dir am besten GoDaddy Online Store?

    Nothing. They have had a "know bug in their servers" which has serverly impacted the shipping rates so I have been unable to use it appropriately to actually makes sales. Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

    Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? GoDaddy Online Store?

    UPDATE 8/2/2023: I received an email from the office of the CEO of Godaddy today that they're doing an investigation and are threatening to terminate my site and their business with me due to the way I spoke to their illegitimate employees. No apology for the month of business I've lost, the lack of help I received from their employees, their employees putting me on hold and hanging up after long periods of time waiting, for the month of torture they've put me through all to finally be told they've "HAD A KNOW BUG IN THEIR SERVERS"! Now they want to threaten to terminate my business?!? They need to refund my money so I can move my domain.

    I have had an issue with all of the shipping methods I have selected for my customers to choose from not being available/showing up for my customers to select at check for going on three weeks now. It only worked correctly the first day I launched my site. Since then, their IT people have told me that USPS doesn't ship to those locations (any because we/I/they tried addresses I shipped to the day it worked and literally any address I could find), they told me that USPS made some big update and changed the names of their shipping methods and didn't inform them and I have to wait for them to do this update. I confirmed with USPS and the only thing that changed was they added the word "Advantage" to their Ground shipping and I was assured that it literally affects NOTHING. Then, since they tried everything that I as the customer could and did do on my end, and NOTHING as far as coding, APIs or anything IT goes, I was told to call USPS and fix it myself. I tried numerous times with other employees to get help, where I was hung up on, met with the same stupidity as prior calls with the same excuses, the supervisors were all the same, making these excuses that USPS doesn't ship to the addresses I'm trying to use USPS First class and that's why it's not giving my customers (ANYONE) that shipping option. Because of this, my customers are being charged a MINIMUM of $10 for shipping for a less than ONE OUNCE package which I definitely am not paying for and neither are my customers, therefor I have lost nearly all business for going on three weeks now. I submitted a complaint with the Better Business Bureau to which they replied that they "could not replicate my problem" as if there's nothing wrong, and that in order for those shipping methods to be an option for my customers, I need to have them selected. Are you effing serious?!?! Today, I tried again with IT Support to have them tell me that there is KNOWN BUG in their system and they are working on it, and "in the mean time, I can charge a flat rate shipping of $10 to solve the problem". This has been torture. A completely unreal nightmarish experience! Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

    Was ist ein Problem? GoDaddy Online Store Solving und wie profitieren Sie davon?

    NONE!!! THEY DON'T SOLVE PROBLEMS! They tell you to fix it yourself because they don't know how!! Bewertung gesammelt von und auf gehostet.

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