Education Cloud PLUS Preisübersicht
Education Cloud PLUS im Überblick
Sign up for free and get access to 3 courses every month (courses get changed by rotation).
Create a free account here:
Or buy a Premium Pass and get instant access to our ENTIRE catalogue of courses + EdTech features to optimize learning.
Choose from 3 different PRICING PLANS:
✅ MONTHLY Plan - $15,99 USD / mo (renews every month)
✅ YEARLY Plan - $159,99 USD / year (renews every year)
✅ LIFETIME Plan - $399 USD (One-time payment)
Name | Preis | Funktionen |
MONTHLY Plan | $15.991 User Pro Monat | Erneuert sich jeden Monat.
YEARLY Plan | $159.991 User Pro Jahr | Erneuert sich jedes Jahr.
LIFETIME Plan | $399.001 User Mit einmaligem Kauf | Einmalige Zahlung.
Education Cloud PLUS Preise & Pläne
🎁 Sign up for FREE and get access to 3 courses every month (courses get changed by rotation).
Create a free account here:
Or buy a Premium Pass and get instant access to our ENTIRE catalog of courses + EdTech features to optimize learning.
Choose from 3 different PRICING PLANS:
✅ MONTHLY Plan - $15,99 USD / mo (renews every month)
✅ YEARLY Plan - $159,99 USD / year (renews every year)
✅ LIFETIME Plan - $399 USD (One-time payment)
👉 For MORE INFORMATION on what's included in each PRICING PLAN, visit:
No credit card required, unless you decide to buy.
No Long-term Contracts. Cancel anytime (no additional fees).
Change Your Plan as you see fit.
Preisinformationen wurden zuletzt am October 09, 2024 aktualisiertTop-bewertete Education Cloud PLUS Alternativen
Education Cloud PLUS Alternativen Preise
Folgendes ist ein schneller Überblick über die von anderen angebotenen EditionenOnline-Kursanbieter
![]() KodeKloud Business Plan | $330.001 Seats Pro Jahr | Für Unternehmen & Betriebe
![]() Premium | $497.001 User Pro Jahr | Enthält professionelle Zertifizierungen und fortschrittliche Geschäftswerkzeuge
![]() Starter | $399.001 User Pro Jahr | Ihr Team mit unserer Kernbibliothek weiterbilden.
Verschiedene Alternativen Preise & Pläne