Bestes Parks und Erholungssoftware

Dominick Duda
Von Dominick Duda recherchiert und verfasst

Regierungsorganisationen, die öffentliche Parks und Freizeiteinrichtungen verwalten, nutzen Software für Parks und Erholung, um Besucher anzuziehen, Aktivitäten zu planen und den Betrieb zu verwalten. Diese Produkte ermöglichen es Besuchern, auf die Verfügbarkeit von Einrichtungen, verfügbaren Programmen sowie auf frühere Zahlungs- und Anmeldehistorien zuzugreifen. Am häufigsten helfen diese Tools bei der Reservierung von Campingplätzen oder der Planung von Freizeitsportaktivitäten. Aus diesem Grund bieten Softwarelösungen für Parks und Erholung oft die gleichen Funktionen wie Sportliga-Management-Software und Fitnessstudio-Management-Software, hauptsächlich bei der Verwaltung von Mitgliedschaften, der Anmeldung für Sportligen und dem Zugriff auf Spielpläne und verfügbare Aktivitäten.

Auf der administrativen Seite hilft Software für Parks und Erholung den Nutzern beim Verkauf von Tickets, Pässen und anderen Produkten und Dienstleistungen sowie bei der Zahlungsabwicklung. Sie verwalten auch oft Ausbilder und Freiwillige für Freizeitzentren und Programme. Fortgeschrittene Produkte ermöglichen es Managern, die Produktivität der Mitarbeiter zu verfolgen, den Zustrom von Besuchern zu überwachen und die Qualität ihrer Dienstleistungen zu bewerten. Während POS-Software-Funktionen manchmal in Lösungen für Parks und Erholung enthalten sind, ziehen es einige Anbieter vor, die Integration mit POS-Tools anzubieten. Zusätzlich bieten diese Produkte entweder von Haus aus Buchhaltungs- und Berichtsfunktionen oder integrieren sich mit Lösungen, die dies tun.

Um in die Kategorie Parks und Erholung aufgenommen zu werden, muss ein Produkt:

Besuchern Funktionen oder Portale für Reservierungen und Aktivitätsregistrierungen bieten Zahlungsabwicklungsfunktionen vor Ort oder online enthalten oder integrieren Kundeninformationen einschließlich der Historie der von ihnen gekauften Aktivitäten oder Produkte verfolgen Mitarbeiter planen und Ausrüstung für Freizeitaktivitäten zuteilen Mitglieder, Pässe und Zutrittskontrollen für Standorte oder Aktivitäten verwalten

Am besten Parks und Erholungssoftware auf einen Blick

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    Freizeit- und Veranstaltungsmanagement-Tool.

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Freizeit- und Veranstaltungsmanagement-Tool.

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    ReserveEaze bietet ein erschwingliches Reservierungssystem und eine kostenlose vierseitige Website mit den Annehmlichkeiten, die Ihr Unternehmen bietet, oder Sie können von Ihrer aktuellen Website zum

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ReserveEaze bietet ein erschwingliches Reservierungssystem und eine kostenlose vierseitige Website mit den Annehmlichkeiten, die Ihr Unternehmen bietet, oder Sie können von Ihrer aktuellen Website zum

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ReserveEaze Funktionen und Benutzerfreundlichkeitsbewertungen, die die Benutzerzufriedenheit vorhersagen
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    Erholungssoftware, die der Konkurrenz überlegen ist. Mit unserem robusten Funktionsumfang, der unsere Marketplace- und Kostenrückgewinnungsmodule umfasst, haben Sie alle Werkzeuge zur Hand, die Sie be

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  • SmartRec Funktionen und Benutzerfreundlichkeitsbewertungen, die die Benutzerzufriedenheit vorhersagen
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    Montreal, CA
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Erholungssoftware, die der Konkurrenz überlegen ist. Mit unserem robusten Funktionsumfang, der unsere Marketplace- und Kostenrückgewinnungsmodule umfasst, haben Sie alle Werkzeuge zur Hand, die Sie be

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SmartRec Funktionen und Benutzerfreundlichkeitsbewertungen, die die Benutzerzufriedenheit vorhersagen
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Montreal, CA
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    Sportbookr ermöglicht es Ihnen, Online-Buchungen, Terminplanung (für Lektionen, Kurse oder Vermietungen) und Zahlungseinrichtungen für Ihre Einrichtung in wenigen Minuten ohne Schulung einzurichten.

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    Jeet Mehta
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Sportbookr ermöglicht es Ihnen, Online-Buchungen, Terminplanung (für Lektionen, Kurse oder Vermietungen) und Zahlungseinrichtungen für Ihre Einrichtung in wenigen Minuten ohne Schulung einzurichten.

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Sportbookr Funktionen und Benutzerfreundlichkeitsbewertungen, die die Benutzerzufriedenheit vorhersagen
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Jeet Mehta
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Sports Booker Funktionen und Benutzerfreundlichkeitsbewertungen, die die Benutzerzufriedenheit vorhersagen
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    Spotz ist ein in Wisconsin ansässiges Startup, das darauf abzielt, die Vermietungserfahrung in der Gemeinschaft zu modernisieren. Unser Ziel ist es, den Menschen zu erleichtern, das Beste aus den von

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  • Spotz Funktionen und Benutzerfreundlichkeitsbewertungen, die die Benutzerzufriedenheit vorhersagen
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    Spotz, LLC
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Spotz ist ein in Wisconsin ansässiges Startup, das darauf abzielt, die Vermietungserfahrung in der Gemeinschaft zu modernisieren. Unser Ziel ist es, den Menschen zu erleichtern, das Beste aus den von

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Spotz Funktionen und Benutzerfreundlichkeitsbewertungen, die die Benutzerzufriedenheit vorhersagen
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    Unsere Sport- und Freizeitsoftwarelösungen wurden entwickelt, um die Herausforderungen zu bewältigen, denen verschiedene Organisationstypen gegenüberstehen. Univerus Sport & Recreation weiß, dass

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    Dover, Delaware
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Unsere Sport- und Freizeitsoftwarelösungen wurden entwickelt, um die Herausforderungen zu bewältigen, denen verschiedene Organisationstypen gegenüberstehen. Univerus Sport & Recreation weiß, dass

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Univerus Funktionen und Benutzerfreundlichkeitsbewertungen, die die Benutzerzufriedenheit vorhersagen
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Dover, Delaware
4 Mitarbeiter*innen auf LinkedIn®

Parks und Erholungssoftware Kurzinformationen

Der Inhalt unten ist aktuell bis zum Juni, 2024
Summary of Reviews

Parks and Recreation Software Reviews Summary

The 119 Parks and Recreation software reviews on G2 are generated from qualitative and quantitative feedback from real users to help you compare and research the best software product for your business. Currently there are 52 Parks and Recreation software products listed on G2. Based on ratings and quantity of reviews, these are the most popular:

G2 users review Parks and Recreation software products based on criteria relating to user experience, setup, and support. On a scale of 1-10, users rate the Parks and Recreation software tools on G2 as follows:

  • Ease of Use: 8.6/10 average user rating
  • Quality of Support: 8.2/10 average user rating
  • Ease of Setup: 8/10 average user rating

Along with rating Parks and Recreation software based on user criteria, G2 reviewers also provide ratings for Parks and Recreation software features and capabilities. Currently the highest rated features of Parks and Recreation software reviewed on G2 are:

  • Training Tools (94% average rating)
  • Business Administration (90% average rating)

Parks and Recreation software users on G2 also compare the more specific features of these products. Below are the more specific features they find to be the most important when researching the best Parks and Recreation software tools:

  • Website Builder (95% average rating)
  • Scheduling (94% average rating)
  • Reporting (93% average rating)
  • Messaging (88% average rating)
  • Payment Gateway (87% average rating)

Parks and Recreation Software Review Snippets

Below are answers to questions we ask all G2 users about the most popular Parks and Recreation software tools, apps, and products. These user responses provide more insight into what are some of the most reviewed Parks and Recreation software products listed on G2.
Questions Responses
Here is what users liked best about these popular Parks and Recreation software products.
Omnify: "The ease of set up and use with the backend, very clean and organized."
- Jasem Y., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
RecTrac: "User friendly for data entry for various programs."
- Michelle L., Highway Customer Service Manager, Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
Daxko Operations: "I most appreciate how the various reports are already grouped together by theme/information needed and it's very easy to navigate and pull. Also, the Operations team on Daxko's end are quick and thorough when help is needed."
- Mindy S., Energetic, community-minded and skilled marketer seeking the next big project to tackle!, Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
Here is what users disliked about these popular Parks and Recreation software products.
Omnify: "Customer service is seriously lacking. They didn't turn up to the scheduled onboarding call."
- Darren W., Helping organisations across Asia innovate and benefit from the Confluent Real-time Event-Streaming Platform, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Daxko Operations: "Initiatives are difficult to set up, once you work with it enough you will figure it out."
- Nicole S., Business and Fund Development Specialist at Arlington-Mansfield Area YMCA, Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
ACTIVE MaxGalaxy: "I did not like the way it ran. It was not user-friendly at all."
- Andrew D., Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
These are what users recommend to others considering these popular Parks and Recreation software products.
Omnify: "For the pricing and ease of use, this is a great first step to someone that wants a Quickstart service and booking website integrated with payment processing."
- Jasem Y., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
ResNexus: "If you want confidence in your reservation system, ResNexus will absolutely provide that."
- Marci P., Owner, The House on the Hill Bed & Breakfast, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
InnoSoft Fusion: "Make it work for you! Support is usually willing and able to help work through problems, although they may not always be able to do what you want."
- Brittany P., Executive Director at Judo New Brunswick, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
These are the problems users said the software was solving and how it is benefitting them.
Omnify: "Booking and service store, with process payments, easily set up and managed in one spot."
- Jasem Y., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
RecTrac: "This created a more organized platform for the various park district programs and allowed easy access to various participants."
- Michelle L., Highway Customer Service Manager, Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
Daxko Operations: "We have a better understanding of our true membership demographics, which helps with targeting membership sales mailings and outreach, as well as cleaning up data for an accurate reporting on our revenues in childcare, membership and other programs that utilize Operations. This has helped us meet budget goals!"
- Mindy S., Energetic, community-minded and skilled marketer seeking the next big project to tackle!, Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
Reviews by Industry

Parks and Recreation Software Reviews by Industry

Parks and Recreation tools, apps, and software are used across a variety of industries. Each industry utilizes different key features of these products, some more than others. The most common industries using Parks and Recreation software products reviewed here are Recreational Facilities and Services, Health, Wellness and Fitness, Hospitality, Sports, and Non-Profit Organization Management.

Industry-Related Parks and Recreation Software FAQs

Parks and Recreation Software FAQs for Recreational Facilities and Services Industry Professionals

What are the best Parks and Recreation software products according to Recreational Facilities and Services industry professionals and based on the overall G2 rating scale?

The Parks and Recreation software products with the most reviews that Recreational Facilities and Services professionals rate the highest are Omnify (4.3 stars and 29 reviews), RecTrac (4 stars and 25 reviews), and InnoSoft Fusion (3.7 stars and 13 reviews).

What are the lowest-rated Parks and Recreation software products according to Recreational Facilities and Services industry professionals and based on the overall G2 rating scale?

The lowest-rated Parks and Recreation software products for Recreational Facilities and Services folks are ACTIVE MaxGalaxy (3.1 stars), InnoSoft Fusion (3.7 stars), and RecTrac (4 stars).

Are there other more specific Parks and Recreation software features rated highly by those in the Recreational Facilities and Services industry?
  • Website Builder is a specific Business Administration feature with an average rating of 95%.

  • Scheduling is a specific Training Tools feature with an average rating of 94%.

  • Reporting is a specific Training Tools feature with an average rating of 93%.

Parks and Recreation Software Review Snippets from Recreational Facilities and Services Professionals

Of the 19 Recreational Facilities and Services users that left a review for Parks and Recreation software products, this is what some of them had to say about those with the highest G2 score ratings and the most reviews.

What Recreational Facilities and Services Professionals Liked What Recreational Facilities and Services Professionals Disliked
RecTrac: What I like best about RecTrac is how easy it is to register someone or check numbers for a class. Getting used to the program at first can be a little challenging but it's very easy to learn once you get the hang of it
- Ziare P., Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
Omnify: There is nothing to dislike. .
- Mike M., --, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Omnify: We manage communities. Due to COVID19, we have had to create planned usage of facilities that have never required appointments.
- Laura M., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
ACTIVE MaxGalaxy: I did not like the way it ran. It was not user-friendly at all.
- Andrew D., Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
InnoSoft Fusion: I like that it is organized so well. Everything is easy to find and if you can't find something you can search for it.
- Holly R., Membership Services at URec, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
ACTIVEWorks for Parks & Recreation: You pay a lot for a slow, complicated, and feature-lacking program. Inputting information can take forever and there is no way to speed up the process, training new people is laborious, and some of the features are still incredibly dated. There is no free trial either so you can't test drive the software, you have to pay to figure out you don't like it.
- Naomi N., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)

Parks and Recreation Software FAQs for Health, Wellness and Fitness Industry Professionals

What Parks and Recreation software products do users from the Health, Wellness and Fitness industry like the most?

The Parks and Recreation software products with the most reviews that Health, Wellness and Fitness professionals rate the highest are Omnify (4.3 stars and 29 reviews), InnoSoft Fusion (3.7 stars and 13 reviews), and EZFacility Parks & Recreation Management (3.8 stars and 3 reviews).

What Parks and Recreation software do users from the Health, Wellness and Fitness industry professionals like the least based on the overall G2 rating scale?

The Parks and Recreation software products Health, Wellness and Fitness professionals rate the lowest are InnoSoft Fusion (3.7 stars) and EZFacility Parks & Recreation Management (3.8 stars).

What specific Parks and Recreation software features are rated highly by those in the Health, Wellness and Fitness industry?
  • Website Builder is a specific Business Administration feature rated an average of 95%.

  • Scheduling is a specific Training Tools feature rated an average of 94%.

  • Reporting is a specific Training Tools feature rated an average of 93%.

Parks and Recreation Software Review Snippets from Health, Wellness and Fitness Professionals

Of the 19 Health, Wellness and Fitness users that left a review for Parks and Recreation software products, here's what some of them said about those that are the highest-rated with the most reviews.

What Health, Wellness and Fitness Professionals Liked What Health, Wellness and Fitness Professionals Disliked
Omnify: Omnify made it easier for my class participants and training clients to pay for services, know in advance what classes are available, and know how full a class will be. The technical support is great too!
- Emily J., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Omnify: Customer service is seriously lacking. They didn't turn up to the scheduled onboarding call.
- Darren W., Helping organisations across Asia innovate and benefit from the Confluent Real-time Event-Streaming Platform, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)

Parks and Recreation Software FAQs for Hospitality Industry Professionals

What are the best Parks and Recreation software products according to experts from the Hospitality industry?

The Parks and Recreation software products with the most reviews that Hospitality professionals rate the highest are Omnify (4.3 stars and 29 reviews), Newbook (4.8 stars and 3 reviews), and ResNexus (4.5 stars and 3 reviews).

Which Parks and Recreation software products do Hospitality industry experts like the least?

The lowest-rated Parks and Recreation software products for Hospitality folks are Omnify (4.3 stars) and ResNexus (4.5 stars).

Which specific Parks and Recreation software features are rated highest by Hospitality industry professionals?
  • Website Builder is a specific Business Administration feature rated an average of 95%.

  • Scheduling is a specific Training Tools feature rated an average of 94%.

  • Reporting is a specific Training Tools feature rated an average of 93%.
Reviews by Market Segment

Parks and Recreation Software Reviews by Market Segment

G2 Parks and Recreation software reviewers come from companies of various sizes. Each business market segment has its own distinct experiences and requirements when it comes to Parks and Recreation software products. On G2 we break these different market segments into 3 distinct groups:

62.7% of Parks and Recreation tools reviews on G2 are from users working in small businesses, 31.4% of users are from mid-market companies, and 5.9% work at enterprise companies.

Parks and Recreation Software FAQs by Market Segment

Parks and Recreation Software FAQs for Enterprise Companies

What are the best Parks and Recreation software tools and apps for enterprise companies, based on the overall G2 rating scale?

The Parks and Recreation software products enterprise-level professionals rate the highest are RecTrac (4 stars and 25 reviews), InnoSoft Fusion (3.7 stars and 13 reviews), and EZFacility Parks & Recreation Management (3.8 stars and 3 reviews).

What are the least-liked Parks and Recreation software products for professionals at enterprise companies, based on the overall G2 rating scale?

The lowest rated Parks and Recreation software products on G2 are InnoSoft Fusion (3.7 stars) and EZFacility Parks & Recreation Management (3.8 stars).

Mid-Market Company Parks and Recreation Software FAQs

What are the top Parks and Recreation software products according to professionals at mid-market companies, based on the overall G2 rating scale?

Parks and Recreation software product users at mid-market companies rate Omnify (4.3 stars and 29 reviews), RecTrac (4 stars and 25 reviews), and InnoSoft Fusion (3.7 stars and 13 reviews) as the top Parks and Recreation software tools on the market.

Which Parks and Recreation software products are not well-rated by reviewers from mid-market companies, based on the overall G2 rating scale?

ACTIVE MaxGalaxy (3.1 stars), InnoSoft Fusion (3.7 stars), and DaySmart Recreation (3.8 stars) are the lowest rated Parks and Recreation tools according to mid-market company professionals on G2.

What are some more specific Parks and Recreation software features that people at mid-market companies rate highly?
  • Website Builder is a specific Business Administration feature with an average 95% rating.
  • Scheduling is a specific Training Tools feature with an average 94% rating.
  • Reporting is a specific Training Tools feature with an average 93% rating.

Parks and Recreation Software Review Snippets from Mid-Market Company Professionals

Read what Parks and Recreation software users from mid-market companies have to say about the features, usability, pricing, and more of their top-rated Parks and Recreation software tools and apps.

What Midsize Business Professionals Liked What Midsize Business Professionals Disliked
Daxko Operations: I most appreciate how the various reports are already grouped together by theme/information needed and it's very easy to navigate and pull. Also, the Operations team on Daxko's end are quick and thorough when help is needed.
- Mindy S., Energetic, community-minded and skilled marketer seeking the next big project to tackle!, Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
Daxko Operations: Initiatives are difficult to set up, once you work with it enough you will figure it out.
- Nicole S., Business and Fund Development Specialist at Arlington-Mansfield Area YMCA, Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
RecTrac: User friendly for data entry for various programs.
- Michelle L., Highway Customer Service Manager, Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
ACTIVE MaxGalaxy: I did not like the way it ran. It was not user-friendly at all.
- Andrew D., Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
Omnify: Clean, professional looking, easy to use
- Carl T., CEO and Founder of Live Free Ministries | Creator of the Live Free Community App | Certified Neuro Health Coach, Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
Daxko Operations: The notes/comments don't link to operations. Not user friendly for one screen computers.
- Korah W., Member Services Representative-Lead at YMCA of Metropolitan Fort Worth, Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)

Parks and Recreation Software FAQs for Small Businesses

What are the top Parks and Recreation software products for small businesses?

Users from small businesses rate the following as the best Parks and Recreation software products: Omnify (4.3 stars and 29 reviews), RecTrac (4 stars and 25 reviews), and InnoSoft Fusion (3.7 stars and 13 reviews).

What Parks and Recreation software products for small businesses are rated lowest?

For small business owners and professionals, the lowest rated Parks and Recreation software products are InnoSoft Fusion (3.7 stars), EZFacility Parks & Recreation Management (3.8 stars), and RecTrac (4 stars).

Are there any particular Parks and Recreation software features that small business professionals rate highly?
  • Website Builder is a specific Business Administration feature with an average 95% rating.
  • Scheduling is a specific Training Tools feature with an average 94% rating.
  • Reporting is a specific Training Tools feature with an average 93% rating.

Parks and Recreation Software Review Snippets from Small Business Professionals

See what small business owners, employees, and other users have to say about the 52 Parks and Recreation software products reviewed on G2. Compare reviews and product information to find the best Parks and Recreation software for your small business.

What Small Business Professionals Liked What Small Business Professionals Disliked
Omnify: The ease of set up and use with the backend, very clean and organized.
- Jasem Y., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Omnify: Customer service is seriously lacking. They didn't turn up to the scheduled onboarding call.
- Darren W., Helping organisations across Asia innovate and benefit from the Confluent Real-time Event-Streaming Platform, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
RecTrac: rectrac is easy to navigate through when doing ticket sales.
- Amethist S., Student at San Diego City College, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
ACTIVEWorks for Parks & Recreation: You pay a lot for a slow, complicated, and feature-lacking program. Inputting information can take forever and there is no way to speed up the process, training new people is laborious, and some of the features are still incredibly dated. There is no free trial either so you can't test drive the software, you have to pay to figure out you don't like it.
- Naomi N., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
ResNexus: The seamless process that my customer finds to reserve with us.
- Marci P., Owner, The House on the Hill Bed & Breakfast, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Omnify: There is nothing to dislike. .
- Mike M., --, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Reviews by Features

Parks and Recreation Software Reviews by Software Features

Parks and Recreation software products on G2 have nearly 5 types of features, all of which contribute to the performance, usability, and functionality of the software. These software capabilities are rated and submitted in up to 15 feature reviews created by G2 users. These scores and detailed feedback can help you determine if a particular Parks and Recreation software product has the attributes and functionality best for your business.

There are standard features across all the Parks and Recreation tools, apps, and software reviewed on G2. Below we’ve listed the highest-rated standard features of Parks and Recreation software products along with some of the core attributes that help drive the performance of those features:

  • Training Tools (94% average rating)
    • Scheduling (94% average rating)
    • Reporting (93% average rating)
  • Business Administration (90% average rating)
    • Website Builder (95% average rating)
    • Messaging (88% average rating)
    • Payment Gateway (87% average rating)

To help you find the Parks and Recreation tool that meets your business needs, below you will find answers to frequently asked questions about the best Parks and Recreation software products that have the features mentioned above.

Which Parks and Recreation products are the highest rated based on Training Tools features?
  • Omnify (4.3-star rating with 29 reviews)
Which Parks and Recreation products are the best rated based on Business Administration features?
  • Omnify (4.3-star rating with 29 reviews)
What are the most popular features G2 users focus on when picking Parks and Recreation software tools?
  • Scheduling is a Training Tools feature with 15 G2 Reviews
  • Payment Gateway is a Business Administration feature with 13 G2 Reviews
  • Messaging is a Business Administration feature with 12 G2 Reviews
  • Website Builder is a Business Administration feature with 11 G2 Reviews
  • Reporting is a Training Tools feature with 10 G2 Reviews
Learn more about the product features and capabilities that users and G2 reviewers like best and least for the top-rated Parks and Recreation software products.
Product Highest Rated Features Lowest Rated Features
Omnify Here are the features users love the most about Omnify:
  • Training Tools
  • Business Administration
  • Sales Tools
Here are the features users love the least about Omnify:
  • Activity Management
  • Administration
  • Billing & Revenue - Gym Management