Ease of integration using their APIs and tools. We have done multiple integrations and timely deployment. Integrate easily from core system with external marketplace requirements. Finflux's business agility is commendable. Finflux is a robust platform that...
Finflux is sometimes a little slow towards the issues faced by their customer which can piss them off.
Their commitment to customer serrvice, there culture of actually listening to their clients and meeting their requests.
Frequent updates continue to make the program more difficult to use. User experience never seems to be at the forefront of their updates or concerns. Suggestions made by the actual users (customers) to improve the program are rarely implemented. I would not...
Ease of integration using their APIs and tools. We have done multiple integrations and timely deployment. Integrate easily from core system with external marketplace requirements. Finflux's business agility is commendable. Finflux is a robust platform that...
Their commitment to customer serrvice, there culture of actually listening to their clients and meeting their requests.
Finflux is sometimes a little slow towards the issues faced by their customer which can piss them off.
Frequent updates continue to make the program more difficult to use. User experience never seems to be at the forefront of their updates or concerns. Suggestions made by the actual users (customers) to improve the program are rarely implemented. I would not...