Ease of integration Report building/use (i.e. build once, use recurringly with limited tweaking) Driver-based logic is huge lever Plans and forecasts to compare vs. actuals with whatever time sequence you need
Software is clunky to use and does not allows function as promised
Limelight software has helped us streamline our planning/forecasting process, and dynamic reporting helped drive efficiency and more time spent on analytics
Nothing of great concern to note. We had some hiccups along the way with some data stability, but nothing that was totally unexpected in hindsight given this was a completely new implementation and all issues were addressed and resolved promptly.
Ease of integration Report building/use (i.e. build once, use recurringly with limited tweaking) Driver-based logic is huge lever Plans and forecasts to compare vs. actuals with whatever time sequence you need
Limelight software has helped us streamline our planning/forecasting process, and dynamic reporting helped drive efficiency and more time spent on analytics
Software is clunky to use and does not allows function as promised
Nothing of great concern to note. We had some hiccups along the way with some data stability, but nothing that was totally unexpected in hindsight given this was a completely new implementation and all issues were addressed and resolved promptly.