Training materials for audience during sessions
Support from FranklinCovey is not always great. Sometimes you have to rely on other users to get answers to critical questions.
The easy monthly lessons make me think about how I do things and gives me new ways to improve upon what I give to my team. It takes little time (usually less than an hour) but gives a big impact. The format allows you to bounce ideas off other team members...
some of the suggestions I feel were a little unrelastic
Training materials for audience during sessions
The easy monthly lessons make me think about how I do things and gives me new ways to improve upon what I give to my team. It takes little time (usually less than an hour) but gives a big impact. The format allows you to bounce ideas off other team members...
Support from FranklinCovey is not always great. Sometimes you have to rely on other users to get answers to critical questions.
some of the suggestions I feel were a little unrelastic